Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Does anyone that has both a black and a cream doodle have any opinion on whether they prefer one color over the other?

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I have two creams and two blacks. Blacks don"t show the dirt in the spring.My creams have paw prints on them when they play and it might be muddy. I enjoy both the colors. Look at their faces when you choose and not the color of their coat.OR get one of each now because you will eventually have more Doodles than just one!!!!!

Thank you for all your replies. I think my best bet is to just go with my gut on pick day. Unfortunately I can't be there that day and I will need to pick based on photos and my breeder's opinion of their personalities. One day I like the look of the black and the next the cream. This isn't my first dog so I know that I will love her no matter what she looks like. This is the first time I've ever been able to choose from a litter so I think that's why it's so difficult. Again thank you all for your responses.



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