Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello! I'm new to doodle kisses and I'm a proud new doodle owner! :) We just brought Sully home with us approx. 1 month ago. He is 1 year old, 65 lb goldendoodle and we absolutely love him! However, we do have one major issue with him. We also have a cat and unfortunately Sully is completely rude to her! Every time he sees the cat he barks and chases and goes ballistic to the point where she needs to hide from him. And he is completely obsessed with trying to find her. In order to keep the peace and to allow our poor cat an opportunity to come out of hiding, we have had to divide the house into "Sully zone" and "Sully free" zone. From all the signs we've seen, I don't feel that he wants to hurt the cat. They have had a couple of face to face greetings and it was alot of hissing and barking until we pulled Sully away so the cat could run. Within the month that we've had Sully, I am trying to make it so that he sees the cat atleast a couple of times a day, and I try to reward calm behavior around the cat.... but most of the time he goes into a frenzy! Any advice on how I should tackle this issue? Thanks in advance! :)

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Introductions should have been taken slow. Introducing an older puppy to a cat(s) can be challenging. Intros can be made with scent first. Take 2 towels and rub down each animal...switch towels. Let the cat become accustomed to Sully's scent and vice-versa . In order not to overly frighten the cat, crate Sully, and let the cat sniff, make her way around the crate....all the while talking to both and keeping Sully calm. Once he begins to stay calm, within the crate, without barking and lunging at the cat....leash him and allow the cat to wander around him. Keeping him calm and still and rewarding him for good behavior. It will surely take time and patience with all involved.
We introduced Enzo to our group of cats...but they were accustomed to our older Golden, who had passed. He was, of course, calm and lived the cats. They all snuggled with him. With Enzo...they are slowly tolerating her antics. She has learned they have claws and will use them! They are even beginning to try and cuddle with her. Sully and your cat may or maynot become the best of friends.....time will tell. Good luck!

Thank you for your advice. Sully is crated at night and also when we are not home and the cat has full run of the house at that time, but doesn't go near Sully because of how he reacts. I do see a little progress within the past month. He is taking less time to calm down after he sees her....

That's a start! Some of our Doodles have a very high prey this may be working against Sully. I know, even with Enzo being a pup...she just wants to lay, but of course, as she grows, she could get overly rambunctious . One cat adores her and will actually let Enzo grab at her tail and mouth her. Enzo, on the other hand is terrified of our 2 males. They struck out at her as a pup and connected on the nose. Enzo now gives them both WIDE berth. It may take a whap on Sully's nose from the cat, before he learns done manners. Start with the towel switch.

Good luck!

Unfortunately I do not have cats, Libby is an only child so I have no advice, but good luck and hopefull they become life long friends!  

WE brought a puppy into our home with two elderly cats.  We also have dog visitors from time to time.

1.  Get boxes from Costco or Sam's Club.   I like the Reese's Cup boxes myself.   Place them high so your cat can be secure.

2. We also have a gate.  The gate is elevated at the mount so the cat can go underneath but the dog cant pass

3. When your dog is crated, let the cat walk by the dog. My cats used to sleep on top of the crate. 

4. Use a firm, " NO, Kitty Kitty.   Over and over and over and over   :)

5. Starting teaching the command Down and Leave it.  The sooner the better.   Spud had to go into a Down any time the cats entered the room.  Down STAY as the cats walked by. 

There are more, but really, the Cat and Dog stories have been around before you and I were ever born.   You can and will get there. You just have a puppy  :)

We have one cat that would run and another that stayed held her ground.  It's too bad we cant teach a cat to Stay because the cat that runs gets chased. 

If you cat has claws, the dog will learn soon. Thank goodness these dogs have fur to protect them from Cat claws.   Even if there are no claws though, let the cat teach a few manners to puppy.

Truly, this passes.  But stay on top of it

Just so you KNOW it is possible! This is our senior Golden, Dylan, now passed.
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I have a million pic with various cats. But these two, were in separable. The first pic won a National Pet Contest as Best Couple.

Omgosh Ro those are soooooooo cute!

My first dog that I had quite some time ago got along with all the cats.

My two cats now are having a hard time with the dog. I have mostly taught Max not to chase them (except in the morning he still has trouble)

I have the same thing, one cat stands her ground and he leaves her alone (is scared of her lol).

The other runs and that one he tries to chase. 

I just try to keep him calm, and not let him chase her, and he does it less and less.

My problem is not so much the puppy though, as he's been smacked a few times and knows not to get too close, he just really wants to play with him.

The problem is the cats hate him :(

I do have safe places for the cats, using two baby gates. One room with their food, cat house and litter is completely off limits to him.  Then when I can't supervise I gate him in the kitchen so that the cats can have the living room/upstairs. 

I hope some day the cats will like him, but even if that doesn't happen, I know that they can coexist in the same house, it will happen, it just takes time and patience. :)

I have pictures of the cats lying side by side with Enzo...but no real cuddling yet. She doesn't understand what they want of her, and she isn't trusting of them. I hope, someday, I will get the "cuddle" picture of her and one of the cats.

Ro that is just the most precious heart just very, very sweet and heartwarming!

Thank you! I know you lost your Golden as well...they still hold very special places in our hearts.



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