Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We brought Kraig home from the hospital Saturday. Racey had been at my in laws since Tuesday which she loves and we brought her home Saturday as well. She is very interested in Kraig and they've had some good interaction. Bc I had a c section we've been sleeping in the living room on the couches- we have 2 large sofas with recliners. Tracey has been sleeping on the sofa next to me and kraig each night.

The problem is her eating- she free feeds and has since she was a puppy. She is neither overweight nor underweight, so she can't stand to lose any. Since Saturday she has only eaten about a cup of food on her own. Dh just hand fed her another cup of food. 

Any advice?

Oh and she has been getting walked at least 30 mins each day and her toys thrown in the house for her to retrieve per usual.


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Yeah, I think when the baby becomes mobile and starts crawling, the free-feeding is going to have to be re-thought. 

What a beautiful baby. I do think think the dog will settle down and she won't starve.

Your babies are so adorable! Thank you for posting photos! With all the changes in Racey's life for the past several days, it is not too surprising she is having some kind of reaction. I hope all of you can relax soon and let the changes level out.

I agree completely with F... She will eat when she is ready. She won't starve herself.

Baby a Racey are both gorgeous!!!  Congratulations.  I think it will be as others have said and he'll get back to normal soonish.

Don't worry about it. Stress can cause her to lose her appetite for a while.  It will be fine.

Every one is right, she will settle into the changes.  Congratulations on your beautiful family.

Beautiful pictures!  congratulations!  Hope Racey is settling in and Kraig , too! 

What a beautiful photo of your family of four. Perhaps Racey's reaction isn't entirely related to the addition of Kraig, but rather to the fact that you've just had surgery. Dogs are very intuitive, and she probably can sense that you're recovering from the c-section. Soon enough, everyone will settle in to the new normal at home.

It's an adjustment period for everyone.  She will come around.

Beautiful family.  I'm sure everyone here has more experience with new babies than I do, but it sounds about right.  Obviously if time goes on and Racey doesn't resume her normal eating, you will take her to the vet.  But I'm sure it's just the new situation and maybe she is worried about her mommy too!  Keep us posted!

Thanks everyone for your responses. We are taking it day by day and I hope u all are right that racey will come around. She ate a little on her own last night. We're keeping a close eye on her.

I think it will just take some time for her to get use to her new addition...I agree just lots of attention & TLC and continue to hand feed her if that does the trick...Congratulations on the birth of your sweet baby:)



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