Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey guys I have a 5y/o labradoodle named bear and he has a weird bump on the interior of his lip...on the black area it is a white/pink, went to the vet, and she said it was too small to biopsy, anyone else have something like this come up? I am so terrified its cancer, it's small right now and I just don't want anything to happen to my baby...he is acting normally otherwise. The vet said she would need to sedate him to get a good draw on cells, so she advised me to wait until the summer during his dental cleaning.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Bears worried mommy

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Keep a very close watch on this. My Golden had one similar that grew astonishing fast! I saw it one day and by the next week it had doubled in size. It was cancerous , and thankfully, they were able to remove it all. He lived to a ripe old age of 13. If it should change in size or color in anyway...get him back in pronto!

I'm glad you had your vet take a look at it. Did she happen to mention what she thought it might be? It sounds like it could be an oral papilloma, which are fairly common.


she said it looked consistent with a benign cyst, but couldn't be 100% without a biopsy....which doesn't make me feel any better!! I will post some pictures my love bug let me take

I would try to let it make you feel better. They have to say that they can't be sure without a biopsy, but they also tell you to biopsy now rather than later if they think it looks suspicious. 

It does look like a viral papilloma to me, but I think Rosemary's advice was good. Keep an eye on it and if you see changes, take him back to the vet. 

Lip, it is on his lower lip and it looks sort of like camera glare but it is white

It does look like it could be a cyst bit without feeling it and biopsying it no one can be sure. I think the odds are good, given your dogs age and the appearance of this lesion that it is benign. But keep an eye on it.

I would think/ hope, that if the Vet even thought it could be serious, he would have set up a biopsy ASAP. Do just keep a close eye on it. Dylan's was a very bright pink and was actually on his gum.
Fingers crossed it's nothing to be concerned about.



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