Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So Max goes in tomorrow morning to be neutered, well I guess it's actually today looking at the time. I am really nervous. I've never been nervous with any of my animals in the past, but Max had a bad reaction to his vaccinations, I know that's totally unrelated to the neuter but I guess it just has me really worried. :(
Thank you Bonnie, I do feel bad though, he looks so pitiful, and he does run into things, and pushes me with his cone (though I am starting to think that last part is on purpose)
Our 75 lb golden boy, Sadhu, lost an eye to cancer a couple of years ago. He's a clumbsy bulldozer at the best of times, but with that cone on he chipped the plaster from ever corner and doorframe in the house. It was a real celebration day when we could take the cone off!
Thanks for the laser tip. I'm going to find out ahead of time if the vet provides that treatment. As I told you, I am going to change vets but I may let the local doc do the spay. She's a pharmaceutical pusher but after all my research, I'm convinced that a spay on a young female is a simple and straightforward procedure.
That's okay Ro I could still get it in two days here, they do have prime I just don't have it because I always order more than 25$ so it's free shipping and stuff always comes super fast so I never saw the point. I would have got him one of these if I had thought about it, but honestly, I've never had to put a cone on an animal before (and I've had a lot of cats and one dog) so I guess I went into this thinking I wouldn't have to do it, which was my mistake. If Max ever has to have something done again I am going to invest in one of those so thanks for showing it to me. :)
Aww poor Sadhu, sounds like Max lol, bulldozer inside, snow shovel outside. I think that's a good idea to let the local doctor do it Deb, that way Yarrow doesn't have to travel so far, and it is a simple procedure. I just looked at his incision again, and honestly it looks so amazing, I would have never thought a laser treatment can do that, I definitely say if you can get it then do, it's worth the bit of extra money.
Julie, I'm glad for you that the surgery is over and that Max is home with you.
Thank you Cheryl it's a relief to have him home, I've been dreading this for awhile, I worry too much, but I guess we all worry about our fur babies.
We do :) I think because they are so loving. I'm sure Max was "over the moon" to see you too, despite the pain.
Aww he was so excited to see me, I was so worried he would be angry (I've had cats that were angry at me after) but he wasn't he was just like "look mom what these mean people did to me!" He hasn't left my side since I brought him home.
So glad he is home and doing well, despite that awful cone. We do worry about our doodle babies!
Thank you DJ!
Well Max has ripped off half his cone, I think I'm going to change his name to Brutus! Should I get another one, or do the boxer shorts? Has anyone ever done the boxer shorts? Or maybe at this point I can just leave it because he had the laser treatment? The incision looks really good. I just don't want to leave the broken cone on him because I'm afraid he'll start chewing off pieces of it.
Cripes! I'd do the boxer shorts just to get a picture. I can't even imagine how he ripped off half his cone. Even if the incision looks really good, you don't want him chewing on stitches! I'd get him another cone. We had to wrap Sadhu's second cone (in as many days) with duct tape for reinforcement.
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