Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As all of you know California is having a drought and we need rain badly. Today in the Central Valley we finally got much needed rain and it did not stop all morning!  In fact, it poured for eight hours without stopping.  I found out one thing, I have a sissy on my hands and her name is Libby. I guess she does not remember what rain is since it has been so long.  She absolutely would not go out to do either of her jobs!  At first when we got up at 6:00 am we thought she will get over this and the next time she just looked at us like "why are you out here" and refused to go.  As the day goes on I even stood out in the middle of our yard (getting soaked) thinking she would go out if I did. She all the while is sitting under the patio watching me with a “head tilt”. Probably thinking, my mommy is crazy.  So now I am getting worried because she has not done anything since 10:00 pm last night.  Wow, I have a little princess on my hands.  The look on her face was "no way, no how"!  So once again we came in and she bounces in like she has done something so perfect and wanted a treat!  NOT  Finally at 2:00pm it stopped raining and we took her out and she did both and came in so proud!  She hates rain and will NOT go out in it! What would I do in the snow???  I see all of your Doodles back East having a wonderful time and our little girl is afraid to even get wet!  Do any of your Doodles refuse to go out in the rain?

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Had a little rain in east bay and more expected. We have a "no likey rain guy" also. Finally found a rain coat he likes to wear and now he will go out to do "his thing" if we put his coat on :-) if I could just get him to wear some boots for the muddy paws life would be good!!

Janice, that is a great idea for Libby!   Maybe that is our answer to her "no rain" policy!  I will now be on the search for a rain coat for our Miss Prissy paws:)   Thanks!   

Lonnie...oh my goodness...our golden retriever Jack was like that...he wouldn`t go out for anything if it was raining...he would just look at us like ``are you crazy...I am not going out in THAT`` was hilarious...Ellie doesn`t seem to mind it though...aren`t they just so funny sometimes...makes me chuckle...glad it stopped for a little bit and she was able to relieve herself...Have a super weekend Lonnie:)

Michelle, these Doodles are so funny, crazy and goofy, but we love them beyond everything, right?  It was a long day for her and us too!  I was getting so worried about her, but she did not seem to mind!   She would go to the door, but when we opened it and she stepped outside it was all over!   Today is sunny and she is loving her backyard:)

LOL, too funny. Monty does not like to go out when it's raining, fortunately, it does not rain for too long in Colorado.

Jarka, it was funny to watch her, but when it got to be all day we started to worry, but I am told they will go when it is necessary!  I haven't told Libby yet, but we are predicted to get five to six inches in two days next week.  That will throw Libby off her schedule for sure:)  

Max loves everything outside, rain snow, sleet, doesn't matter. :(

You are so lucky and good for Max!  He rocks, maybe he can talk to Libby about the rain:)

Lonnie, I had a great suggestion of Teckelklub raincoats given to me, expensive, but in my opion worth every penny. So easy to put on and no sore spots under the arms. Great customer service and quick replies to any questions.

Thank you for the suggestion!   I will look for it on Amazon.  I find almost anything on Amazon and we help DK too!  Thanks again and I'm hopeful Libby will end up thanking you too:)  LOL

If the grass was wet, my son's huge doberman had to be pushed outside and pushed off the patio onto the grass again and again before he would go.  He hated wet grass  totally, and he was  'allergic' to rain. :-}

Nancy that is exactly how Libby was yesterday and would not step foot off our patio!  



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