Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have an 11 week old goldendoodle.  Housetraining had been going pretty well, but she has now started to pee when she gets excited.  Mostly when my husband or I bend down to pet her if she's in her ex-pen or if we get down on the floor to play with her.  Thankfully she has not been peeing in her crate and is doing well with crate training.  I have an appointment at the vet, so we'll make sure there's nothing else causing this.  When she does it she does not squat and there is usually only a small amount of urine, however, if my husband's children are home for the weekend then all bets are off and the urination can happen if they just walk into the room.  She does not go into a submissive position, it is move of a butt wiggling happy dance.  If anyone else has experienced this problem, can you please tell me what you did to facilitate your dog through this issue?

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This is all part of being a puppy! It is just another " puppy querk" that she will grow out of. When Enzo was younger, this would happen when we met up with another dog outside. Even now, ( 8 months) it rarely happens...but I guess if she has a full bladder.

That sounds like a difficult situation and I'm sorry you're having to go through it. Hopefully you're vet can help you. No experience with that here, but I am sure someone will come along and post that has some insight into the issue. 

Ragley has done it a few times when she is greeted by someone and gets too excited. I always just try to make sure she has an empty bladder before we go greet people and I try not to make goodbye's or hello's anything overly special in order to make me coming or going seem as if it is not a big deal. I feel your pain though- my dad is the worst about getting her too excited and then her whole-hip-wag slowly goes into a squat and out flows the urine lol 

Willow did it for maybe several months when she was young (less than a year), and she grew out of it. We let her outside the front door / on the porch to greet when possible. No worries, it'd be gone eventually. 

Hudson used to do this at puppy class when he was overly excited and being chased by other dogs. He also did it a few times when a big man in the puppy class approached him quickly to pet him. He has never done this in any other situation or with anyone else petting him.

After a few weeks of him getting used to everyone in the class, and getting him out mid-class for a quick pee, he hasn't done it since. I liken it to a human having a very full bladder and sneezing. A young puppy just doesn't have the muscle strength or control to keep it in under such exciting circumstances!! I'm sure it'll resolve itself on its own. :)

This is a normal part of puppyhood, not all do it, but it's normal.   Part of it is lack of control, all her muscles just release with excitement, and tinkle happens.  As she learns to control her bladder, this should fade away.  Meanwhile the best way to adapt is to make sure she has voided prior to exciting situations and not make a fuss when she does it.   

Our girl did this a few times and quickly outgrew it, but it is a bit of bother.  Hang in there, she will grow up so fast.

I agree with this completely! Both of our labradoodles had nervous/excited pees when they were young pups. Maserati is almost 6 months and on occasion will still do it, but it hasn't happened in a while. They outgrow it! 

Thank you all for the replies.  When I am faced with a problem, I'm always looking to formulate a plan to solve it.  I guess with this the plan is stay calm and wait it out. 

We got our puppy at 10 weeks - at 12 weeks she started the exciting peeing!   If we knew someone was going to be coming over or if someone was coming home soon- we would take her outside before-hand and confine her to the kitchen for easy clean-up- or have her meet someone outside.  She would do this at puppy daycare (when we got there), when she saw her puppy school trainer, or any person that wanted to pet her when we went out.   She stopped at about 5 months old - a few weeks from her spay surgery.   She hasn't done it again  and she's 1 year 2 months now. 

I am hoping to hear a solution to this issue too.  Our next door neighbour has a 7 month old female mix who pees every time she see me.  Yesterday my husband glanced over the fence where she was in the back yard and she peed immediately.  I want to help our neighbour with this.

I do not think that is uncommon.  Charlie did the same thing. My neighbor wanted to see our cute little puppy and when I walked over to their house, she bent over to pet him, and he sat down on her feet and peed all of her new white tennis shoes!  He outgrew that  quit quickly!  Hang in there, you are in puppyhood for quit some time.  It is tons of fun, but at times be trying!

So I took my puppy to the vet, because I noticed she was beginning to also squat multiple times outside and I also noticed that she would sometimes pee in the house even if nobody was near her.  The vet agreed that she most likely had a uti related to the squatting.  She's now been on antibiotics for four days and still no change.  She pees at everything it seems like.  I'm starting to question if since she is only 12 weeks old, I just need to take it back to crate training 101.  Any suggestions?



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