Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So, I'm back living in my parent's house until my new place opens up in April/May. Unfortunately, five weeks after my husband returned from being away at med school, he told me he wanted a divorce.
My dad's not a dog person. He tolerates Brinkley well and he even takes him on walks. He tries-- he really does. But add the stress of my current situation + a 4 1/2 month old + my doodle and me back in their house, to say tension is on an all time high would be an understatement.
Brinkley shreds paper like mad. He goes into the trash and pulls out Kleenex and shreds to his heart’s content. Aside from getting cans with lids, how can I train him to stop the shredding? It's not my house; they won't get trash cans with lids. There's nothing dangerous in these small cans. Just a Kleenex or two. Luckily he never eats anything-- just shreds and shreds and shreds. He does it when he wants attention. This will all end when I'm in my own place in a month or so... but last night my parents had cleaned and two minutes later the living room was a disaster because Brinkley pulled everything out that he possibly could and shredded it. He has chew toys; he had three LONG walks; ball throwing and a play date yesterday. Exercise is not the problem. When I'm with the baby, he shreds.
Any training advice?
That all stinks and Adina said it all. Just want to ask do you use a crate at all? If Brinkley can be crated with a stuffed kong, once he is getting enough exercise then perhaps that might be a temporary solution.
No, we don't crate. That was a huge fail. He has some anxiety and the crating made it worse. He ended being more destructive when we'd let him out. He's not destructive at all (except for the darn Kleenex). And I think my dog is the only one that HATES kongs. I wish he loved them.
He's not the only one. JD doesn't "get" Kongs, and has no desire to try. He looks at you like you're nuts if you try to give him one.
Yep, Brinkley looks at me like "you want me to work to get that out. I don't think so."
Heather, first, I'm very sorry you're going through such heart wrenching days. I know it doesn't help now.....but things WILL get better. Big hugs to you!!!!
I so sympathize with you about Brinkley's misbehavior. Banjo has us totally trained....we keep bathroom doors closed and all trash behind closed doors or in lidded containers. Our house is set up perfectly for him. Not so in other's homes. I have found that when we're in other people's homes, putting him on a leash with the loop end under a chair leg (or even a table leg) least keeps him out of trouble when we can't keep our eyes on him. We're actually on vacation right now and the house we're in isn't totally "Banjo" he's been "chaired" in the evenings when we don't have any more energy to chase him around.
Hang in there Heather.....keeping you in my prayers.
On a side note.......if it were me....I'd save all the shredded tissues and it, wrap it in pretty paper and send to you know who.
Oh, I know it is so hard when you are living in someone else's home. My dog is bad about the trash cans in the bathroom. He takes everything out and shreds it and sprinkles around the house. He also sometimes pulls the toilet paper off the roll and runs around the house with it. "Look what I got!" I can hear his tags when his head goes into the can in the bathroom and I just call him. He knows it is a no-no. The can in our bathroom we keep on the top of the toilet and all the shoes up or behind closed doors. He always takes the kleenex from the nightstands, so we just can't leave them out. I wouldn't try sour apple or tabasco in the house, especially since the baby may soon be crawling around and experimenting also. The good news! These times will pass. The only advice I have for you is everything put up or behind closed doors. It sounds like Brinkley is frustrated and doesn't know what to do. If you were closer, I would say to send him to live with us until you get settled in your new home. So sorry about your marriage - but it happens all the time. You will survive and be better for it.
Sorry you're going through this. I don't really have anything to add. I have to put my bathroom garbage cans on the back of the toilet, or else Halas pulls Kleenex out of them. And the rest of the garbage is underneath a cabinet. But if you can't put the garbage cans out of reach, I think the Bitter Apple is a good idea.
I'm so sorry that this happened to you! It must be so tough for both you and your parents! I hope the Bitter Apple works and that all goes as smoothly as possible until you move into your new place. Hugs to you! Good Luck!
I'm so sorry Heather. Looks like you've already got good advice regarding the trash, at least you will soon be in your own home and this won't be such an issue. Hugs to you.
I am so sorry about the whole situation you find yourself in. We have pretty much Ned-proofed our house. We have wastebaskets that close or we keep them up high or behind closed doors. I haven't done this, but it was suggested to me to set and put a mouse trap in the trash and set up an 'ambush.' I'll bet that would work. Another suggestion was to drench the paper items in lemon juice.
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