Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

How do I break this painful habit?  My hands look terrible, My kids have both been bitten pretty good.

They don't like being around her now and are afraid of her. I know that she is just playing, but enough is enough. I try the yelping at her, but she just comes in for more. she is very snappy.


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I grabbed Violet's lower jaw  and sqeezed it and said biting ! She was awful ..sometimes still does this at 1 1/2 not play tug of war of any other kinds of thos games with her too .. .good luck ///  it stinks ... keep coming here for advise though..... it REALLY help me out ...........

how old is she?

i know my son was scared of briggs when he had his puppy teeth and would bite, but now that he is older and has all his grown up teeth, it is better, and he play bites, but doesn't hurt my son anymore. 

4 1/2 months, and is missing 3 teeth.

I have 3 month old and she is biting my hand so I tried to give her a bone. Sometime it work. I am going to get her training.

How old is your puppy? My doodle used to do this a lot to my boyfriend, now that she is 7 months it is not as bad, but she still does it. If I tell her to stop she listens, but no matter what he does she will still keep biting him. I had rolled up a newspaper and if she did it I would say no and then hit the newspaper next to her. I never stuck her with it, but she will stop when I pick it up. Also, maybe try a squirt bottle, and squirt her when she does it and say no. Believe me I know it is annoying, hopefully she grows out of it.

When the puppy bites, do you jerk your hand away? If you've played tug-of-war with them, they may take it as you're playing a game, and they'll bite harder. Puppy teeth are super sharp. My SO and I have a few bite marks.

What we do is when Boomer's calm, we'll play around with his face gently, provoking him to bite us. Immediately we'll say "Ouch!"/"Ow!" and sharply tap his nose without moving our hand. He will usually let go immediately.

It's much harder when we're playing, he's bit us pretty hard when he goes for toys in our hands. He's just excited and is a bit clumsy, so to avoid painful bites I'll wear a leather glove. If he bites onto my glove I will stop playing, bend down and tap him on the nose sharply while going "Ow!", then making him lay down for a few moments to calm down.

She is 4 1/2 months.  She loosing some of her puppy teeth which I could not be happier about.  I tell the kids not to run around with her unless they have a toy with them so she can grab that and not them. My boys are 8 and 9 so they don't really follow that advice all of the time.

it will get better. give it time. my son is 4 almost 5, so i understand. i told him that when briggs starts biting, to give him a little tap on the nose and say 'no bite'. not to run. and to walk away, ie. end the play. which i did as well. end the play and turn around. do not give her your attention. but it has gotten a lot better now that briggs is older and the puppy teeth are gone. they still roll around with each other in the back yard, but briggs is more gentle. and doesn't bite as hard, and the teeth aren't as sharp, so it hasn't been a problem. good luck!

Same here, we just got our doodle this past weekend.  Lucy is very snappy and bites us and our clothes.  I've tried "saying no bite" and given her an alternative chew toy or bone.  Please help!!

Hi Lisa
My dog Lucy does exactly same to me

You could try to freeze your hand and say, "No." Don't be bent over. When the puppy starts licking, then praise. Also, have something handy to stick in her mouth that is O.K. to chew on. Then praise when she takes that.

I, too have a biting puppy and am working on her not bringing blood. 

It's sounds to me like your pup has an "alpha" temperament. I would do as the others suggest and also when she is just totally ignoring your commands and continues to try and bite, (even though she is playing) bring her down on her back in a submissive position. Don't do it angrily just matter of factly, keep her there till she calms down and begin to pet her belly. This is what I did with Safiy a few times, it lets them know you are the alpha and then end result is actually you being loving to her. You should see her demeanor change from being rebellious to submissive. What ever you do don't do it with frustration or anger ( although you may be feeling it). I anticipate having to do this from time to time with Safiy as he goes through his growing up stages. I have a five year old special needs daughter who is gentle and I got Safiy to be her dog. He is five months now. But within the first couple of months of having Safiy (we got him at 7 1/2 weeks) he knew not to use his teeth with Ellie. By the way I took the advice from this group of telling Safiy kisses and had him lick Ellie 's hand and also used peanut butter for him to lick off her hands. In the beginning I never let him bite her and if he managed to nip her a little-I would immediately correct him. I would tell him "No Bite". Hold his mouth shut a second, then take him away and tie him in a confined area for a little while. I would then bring back around Ellie tell him kisses and let him lick her. He acted up again, I would repeat or just take him away from her completely. This worked for us. By the way, I have Ellie give him treats and pet him and I think most importantly Safiy waits for Ellie to go through the door first. I also always ask Safiy "where's Ellie". We find her and give her kisses.
I hope these techniques help if you try them. Good luck !



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