Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yesterday, I went to the park with my two dogs and had just gotten out of our car and making our way down to where we walk and I spotted a woman with a dog. As we walked forward, I could see the dog was not on a leash and it began to approach us.  I told the woman to get her dog as my dogs were not friendly (my standard response in this situation) and of course, she continued to call the dog and the dog wouldn't listen. I am so fed up with people walking their dogs off leash, I could scream. In almost all of the dogs we have encountered off leash, their owners had absolutely no control over them. My favorite thing of all is when the owner yells, "Don't worry, he or she is friendly!" As far as I am concerned, I don't care if your dog is a good will ambassador for the world, put it on a leash. We have leash laws in our state and they apply to everyone!

Vern would probably be fine, but Fudge is not fine and especially not on a leash. Many dogs are leash aggressive and won't care if your dog is friendly as it approaches. I also don't know if your dog has parasites, etc. and I don't want it near my dogs. Once, I turned a corner and coming up the path was an unleashed dog and the owner was a good quarter mile down the road.  The dog would not listen and she apologized profusely and I stated emphatically that her dog should be on a leash and I still see her wandering about with her dog unleashed. Another time I saw a woman with young children and an unleashed dog let her young daughter walk the dog all about the park, across the road, with no leash in hand, and far enough away from the mom that she could not see the daughter or the dog. What are these people thinking? I could go on and on with these stories about rude dog owners and every chance I get I report them to the park ranger.  Oh, and you and I both know that these are the same owners who do not pick up after their dogs, because rules do not apply to them.

Yesterday when I told the woman her dog should be leashed, she said, "oh, your dogs aren't friendly?" as if my dogs were the problem and not hers. I don't even attempt to be friendly in these situations because I have had it. Leash your dog!! It is my job to protect MY dogs and keep them from harm's way.  You are taking a huge risk to allow your dog to walk up to any dog on a leash!  My dogs made me proud yesterday. They reacted a bit initially and then calmed right down, but if that dog had been leashed our encounter could have been avoided. Rant over!

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Don't even get me started. I also have had people beeline towards my dogs thinking they might want to "play". I saw a woman with a small dog walk right up to a big dog at the vet's so they could meet. Seriously think there should be a required test before you can get a dog. Lastly, Fudge is very protective of of the reasons we stopped going to dog parks...and between the two of them I walk 150 pounds of dog and want to be left alone.

Oh yes, the little dog on the retractable leash running up to JD at the vet's office, despite the signs telling people to keep their dogs on short leashes. One of my favorite things. 

I think a dog ownership test is a brilliant idea. 

Oh yes, the vet's office. When we go there FInn has to sit next to me and mind his business. (He'd prefer the empty chair next to me but that's another story.) Not so with the "my dog is friendly" group.  My vet told me they get the most bite injuries from the dog park.  In second place?  The vet's waiting room.  Guessing he'd like that test :)  

Considering that many dogs are very nervous and tense in a vet's waiting room to begin with, that should come as a surprise to nobody. Okay, to the people who walk their dogs off-leash, lol. 

I took Vern to the vet on Tuesday and there was a lovely couple there and we started talking about our dogs. They were nice enough to ask if they could pet Vern and I said no. Vern is extremely nervous at the vet and tends to guard me and I explained all that and they were understanding and wonderful. I wish more dog owners were like those people.

Ugh, retractable leashes. Just Sunday, Roger and Spud were sitting on a bench when two doodles on retractable leashes came down the path.
The large, 100lb doodle raced at Spud, full teeth- no lips and that damn retractable leash was no match. Roger blocked Spud and the man went on his way in a tangled mess. Thank goodness the leash didn't snap. Scarey

LOL LOL  "the man went on his way in a tangled mess"!

Laurie, the Yellow Ribbon project. I know it's young and many do not know or are aware yet, but you could set a good example and create awareness to others.
Put one on your leashes.
Then point at the ribbon, scream and flip the idiots off, and they will never forget again that the Yellow Ribbon on a Dog's Leash means, ' Back Off'

ROTFL...great idea. They would also learn to leave the crazy lady alone :) I do think I will get a Yellow Ribbon, but I hope I don't have people approaching me with their dogs wanting to know where they can get a pretty yellow ribbon, too! My middle finger could get very tired :) LOL

I admit I've been guilty of this too but rarely.  I think the last time was at Tyler Park with you, F, and Camilla when we went downstream and I let FInn loose in the stream while I had Luca on a long line in the water.  FInn only had eyes for Luca and I was pretty sure a herd of deer could come thundering by and Finn was not leaving his mom with another doodle :))  But I completely agree! You never know what can happen. I'm afraid of walking around neighborhoods where somebody's loose dog comes running at my leashed dog or on walking trails where an unleashed dog comes out of nowhere. And I don't want my dog threatening strange dogs. There's a big controversy in the town where I work because people with their unleashed dogs have become a big problem for those of us who walk the canal path with our leashed dogs. One senior blind Jack Russell has been attacked twice. Still these people argue it's their right (it is against the law) and their dogs are "friendly."  WTD? I say dogs will be dogs and please leash yours!     

Cheryl, You are excused because F is always a bad influence :) Awww....that poor senior blind dog. I wish someone would deputize me and let me hand out tickets for people who don't leash their dogs, park in handicap parking spaces, don't pick up their dog's poop, talk during movies, drive slow in the passing lane......oh boy, there is a long list and I think I would need to carry a gun :) LOL

Laurie, you are the poster child for "just say no to guns" LOL  There sure would be some entertaining blogs though! I'm just picturing you waving a gun at someone who doesn't pick up the poop LOL



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