Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone! We have a 6-month-old Labradoodle named Lucy. She's won our hearts and we've only had her a couple months!

We were told by the breeder that she would definitely be low to non-shedding and at first her fleecy soft coat didn't shed. About a month ago she started shedding and has begun shedding progressively more! The fleecy hair is being replaced by more wirey hair and the chocolate colour is getting more white mixed in as well. We've never had a shedding dog and don't know whether she's simply shedding her puppy coat to make room for her adult one or if this will be an ongoing issue. I don't see many other labradoodles that look very similar to our Lucy and can't seem to find much help online. Anyone have any similar experiences?? Your help is much appreciated! :)


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I have two doods, one that sheds and one that doesn't. In my experience if your dog is not going to shed it's coat the puppy coat has to be cut off as the adult grows right into it. Where as my shedding dood lost all his puppy coat when his adult grew in. Just my experience, all doods are different!

So the shedding dood still sheds after losing his puppy coat then? We were hoping the shedding would slow down since we weren't expecting any shedding at all. Thanks for your reply!

Yes, our shedder sheds year round, more in the spring when he blows his coat. 

Then maybe that's partly why she's shedding so much right now - spring!

Lucy's picture is adorable!!!!

Thank you! :) She's a heart stealer! She has a thing where she always puts her chin on top of wherever she's standing (sofa, our legs, the ottoman) and just gives this ridiculously cute look with those eyes of hers...and it's game over!

I think you were sold on a myth by your breeder.  The truth is, since it is a mixed breed, you never know how the genes are going to line up.  The shedding may slow or may not.  You will just have to wait and see.  On the bright side, usually a shedding doodle has a coat that is easier to care for and mats less.  Either way your doodle is adorable and will be a great companion for you.

Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it! Patience isn't one of my virtues but I'll have to work on it I guess!

ps I am just down the highway from you in Sarnia :)

I'm not too far from you- across the river in Richmond, Mi (not too far from Port Huron). :)

Gavin is a very handsome doodle!

Awesome!  Thanks Angie.

^ this 100%! The mixing of 2 breeds is always a crap shoot. 2 Doods from the same litter can look and have completely different coats. Basically, it is, what it is.



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