Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What has your dog learned that you have not specifically taught him/her?

Several weeks ago Karen posted the following article in the training group: and I thought it would make a good front page discussion.  The article is about intuitive learning.  In short, how dogs follow our example or figure out our routine/wants/needs and adapt their behaviour accordingly.

I was reminded of it yesterday:

During cottage season, Gavin gets packed into the car with the rest of our gear and goes for a 3.5 hour drive North.  Gavin has learned to associate his car harness with this trip.  Of course not every trip is 3.5 hours, but it seems Gavin prepares himself just in case.  When I go outside with the harness in my hand, Gavin runs a few quick laps around the backyard, checks his squirrel spots, has a good long pee, then approaches me to get harnessed up.  

So what has your dog learned that you have not specifically taught him/her?

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My two have learned to wait, after they get out through the front door on leash, so I can lock the door. There are many things like this.

Calla and Luca say "Safety first!"

My pups quickly learned to use their poochie bells with great success. Oscar (5 1/2 months) however, also learned that the bells are a great way to get attention and a walk when he didn't need to go potty so the rule is if you ring the bell, go out and don't go potty you don't get a treat! Last weekend when my husband was on the couch watching TV and Oscar obviously wanted to go for a walk, he managed to jump until he could get the leash off the hook in the other room, bring it back and jumped on my husband with leash in mouth to let him know that it was time to got out and play! He got his walk and a treat for ingenuity!

LOL Judi! That boy loves his walks! What a smart puppy!

That Oscar is resourceful indeed.  I would give a treat for that kind of ingenuity too!

Libby and I visit her uncles, who live around the corner, every Friday night when she sleeps over.  I pick her up at "school", we come home, go inside, she gets dinner and off we go for our walk.  When we get to the corner she turns right towards her uncles' house.  She only does this on our Friday night walk.  Although she is happy to visit them any other time, she knows that this is her official visit.  They do travel frequently, and it's so hard to explain to her that they are not home on those nights!  Many times she winds up sitting in front of their door wagging her tail and waiting until I can convince her that nothing's happening!

How does Libby know the day of the week Robin?  That is astounding.  Smart cookie!

I don't know!   I am her Godmother and she usually sleeps over on Friday nights.  But I have had her stay for a week at a time when her mom is on vacation, and even when she's only there Friday/Saturday it's only on the Friday night walk that she turns the corner for the visit.  So she does somehow know the difference.  She's very advanced!!!!!

Once again Robin, our Libby's must have been seperated at birth.  Monday through Friday Libby sits on our rug in the Entry Hall and waits for our two granddaughters to come around 6:30 every morning. She does not leave that spot until lthey arrive.  On Saturday and Sunday she goes no where near the door!  Go figure.  

I get my granddaughter's every Friday.  Every Friday morning, without fail, Myla sits in front of the front door window and waits for the van to pull in! (and she is never at the front door - when she wants out, she always toes to the back door!).   If they don't come, she whines and paces from me to the window.  I have no idea how she knows which day it is but she definitely does.  They are soooo smart!

If Meg's leash is in reach she will bring it to go for a walk.  Nobody puts shoes on in my house without the girls thinking it is walk time and they go to wear the leashes are.  Polly knows there is always a treat after last potty before bed.  She comes in and stands where the treats are, as soon as she gets that she walks into crate and lays down.  Meg puts us to bed and then takes a post at the door until we go to sleep, then back down stairs she goes until 5:30 when she thinks I should get up, even knowing that I am having that first cup of coffee before going out.

Shoes = walks.  Makes sense to me Judy.  How cute that Meg is the self-appointed gate keeper.



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