Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We are headed to vacation tomorrow and are leaving our puppy of 10 months for the first time. We are headed to florida to take our just turned 5 son to disney and to the beach. We are sending Briggs to a really cool farm where he will play with other pups and swim in a pond, and have 5 fenced in acres to run and play. But I am wondering if anyone has had this experience, will he remember us? or miss us? i feel silly asking, as he is a dog, but we have been his whole life since he was 8 weeks old and he comes with me to work practically everyday, so from going to that to not seeing us for 2 weeks, i am worried. Any encouraging words would be appreciated! i am going to miss him so much!

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Didn't worry he wont remember you. We had to do the same thing for about the same length of time with our other young pup. She did well while we were gone and got used to a new routine easily.But she was mad at me when we got back and didnt want to come to me....thankfully it only lasted for the ride home. Then it was back to normal and I didnt see negative affects. Sounds like you have found a wonderful place for her "puppy camp".Wish I had a place like that nearby.

Briggs will be having a wonderful vacation as well and I can assure you he will remember you!  There will probably be an adjustment period for him when you all get back home together.  He will be exhausted from all the running and fun with other dogs and may seem a bit different but... just as we all make mental adjustments after vacations...things will return to normal after a few days.  Have a ball with your son at Disney and know that your sweet Briggs is having a ball on the farm!

We are doing same thing next month, leaving our puppy who will be 9 months old with my SIL. I have heard similar responses, that they seem mad at us for a short time. It will pass though, so go and enjoy your time with your son.

He will be fine and he will remember you.  I left my 7 month old puppy for 10 days while I took a trip to Spain.  I thought about her all the time and constantly checked in on the webcams.  She was always playing when I checked in on her and when I picked her up she jumped right in the car like I'd only been gone a day.  She slept for 2 straight days when we got home, but she was totally fine.

thanks everyone! i keep telling my son, who is really sad about leaving his furry brother, that Briggs is going to Disney World for dogs :) i am sure it will be fine, i am just so attached since i spend every day all day with him!

My fiance goes on 1-1.5 week business trips every month. The first time she had left our 4 month old puppy had only known her for about a month, but he moped about the house and was the most depressed fluff face in the world. When she came home, he went BERSERK trying to cuddle up with her.

On her most recent trip, he still missed her (but was less depressed) but she surprised him at his puppy party socialization, which was a terrible idea because he became so excited we had to sit out for most of the party.

So don't worry, he'll totally miss you and recognize you when you come back!

No worries! I can absolutely guarantee, when you return to pick him up...that great look of recognition, full on body wag and excitement to see you, will put a huge grin on your face!
I has very aging 12 yr old Golden, that I had sold to her owners, return to visit me, after 10 yrs and she remembered me!
Ps..have a great vacation!

Dogs never ever forget their first love.


We left Zoe when she was 6 months with friends of our for 8 days.  It helped that she had been to our friends house many times, so was comfortable there.  When we came back, as soon as she smelled us, she knew who we were.  She was so excited (and even piddled a bit) Briggs won't forget you, promise!  Of course he will miss you, but he will be so excited to see you! 

I was thinking the same as I am leaving for three weeks to grad school this summer. I'm worried he will have a tough time with my leave. Of all four of the human family members, I'm his favorite. He followed me everywhere and whines when I'm upstairs. He does not have separation anxiety because he does well with others when he knows I'm not in the house. Three weeks is a long time and I will probably miss him more than my human kids and hubby (shhhhh don't tell, lol). My husband reassured me that Chachi will b fine and he will be ecstatic to see me when I get home.

Briggs is going to have a wonderful time.  My DH works away about 6 months of the year.  (I think he misses Yarrow more than he misses me :) ) The first time he went away for 6 weeks, Yarrow was only 4 months old.  She was overjoyed to see him when he returned.  He's away again now and I thought Yarrow would miss him so much.  She doesn't even seem to know he's away - but I know she'll go bananas when he returns in a month!

Briggs will certainly be overjoyed to see you after your trip.  Have a blast!



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