Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I think I am getting worried about Maggie....for the past week she has been sleeping under my bed and its not easy to get under the bed as the bottom of the frame only allows about a 6 inch clearance. Not only is she sleeping there, but she is also kind of hanging out there - should I be worried?
She has a marvelous coolaroo bed in the living room and she used to lay on there and chew her bone and play with her toys...she also has her crate which she never uses any more (but is always out and open for her to use if she wants) - she seems to be ok other than that...any thoughts?
Thank you.
Don't worry about her...Oskar is almost 2 & he's been under the bed for a year :) I call it his 'man cave'...he takes all of the toys he's stolen from Baker (mostly new ones) & stashes them there. Every now & then, I get a yard stick & scoop them out.
He hangs out there at various times during the night, he goes under & sleeps most of the night. In the morning, he jumps on the bed to finish off his sleep.
Have you peeked to see what she's doing under there ? :)
LOL...Oh, you too have made me feel better!!! Thank you!
Yes, I did look under there and I don't see anything (other than a few dust bunnies) , no toys, balls, socks etc. I should post a picture of how tiny etc it is...=)
Thank you for commenting again!
you may have a good point there. I know in our obedience class that our teacher asks me to pull Maggie out from under the chair (Maggie doesn't like to participate in obedience things lol)...I think I will do that tonight - will let you know how it goes....
My Tinker, LOVED to go under the bed and some continued to scoot under there his whole life. He was a standard and tall, but somehow managed. Hoka goes under occasionally. But what is funny is my doxie mix, Moxie, who should burrow, never goes under!
isn't it weird how such a LARGE thing can get under the bed???? LOL...Maggie watches the cats go under there so maybe she thinks she's little like them. I've also noticed she does things like the cats - for instance, she bats a ball between her two front paws like the cats do...she may think she's more like them ...
Doodle loves to go under the bed too. I didn't think anything of it until one of my fuses kept tripping every time she went under the bed. I finally discovered she was chewing up the cords to my power strip. I try to keep her out from under there now, but if she can beat me she will run under there because she knows I can't get her out.
Hi Mindy,
Good point, I had better see what she is actually doing under there =) !!!
Dogs just go through phases. Maybe being in a 6 inch space is sort of like a thunder shirt and she feels safe there. If she is ok otherwise I wouldn't worry. My pup has gone through all kinds of sleeping preferences, sometimes they still change. Corner of room, bathroom floor, crate, then no crate, on our bed then in the coolest spot in the room. If she is really hanging there under the bed, she may be afraid of something that you may not be aware of yet. Does she have issues with loud noises? Are you guys having storms? We just moved to Miami and the thunder and lightening are fierce here which sends my dog straight into my arms or into the smallest tights space possible. Keep us posted.
funny you should say that about the, not having storms, but I live in a condo and we are in the process of getting our roof replaced so the hammering and the noises from the generator and the other equipment may be the reason? Plus I have three cats and Maggie sees them running under the bed??? The roofing folks haven't been able to roof the last two days because of the rain, but when I came home from work, she was under the bed - so maybe like you said, she feels safe under there...
I take her to a dog park that is located right by a landing/take off runway for HUGE jets...she's not afraid of those not sure if it is the noise that is bothersome for her or she just found a new place to rest...
Thank you so much for your response - it made me feel better!!!
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