Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Apparently we're supposed to be keeping Sky calm for 2 weeks post spay. She's 8 days post surgery and it's impossible! She's a little but less jumpy, but just as crazy as ever. I've been trying to keep her from jumping on the couches/beds. It's not easy and I haven't been successful.

I checked her incision and it looks great- no signs of infection or opening up.

Did anyone else have this problem after spaying? She had a hernia fixed at the same time.

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Ragley is 8 days post-op as well, but she has dissolving stitches- no return trip to the vet. You are not alone, though. Ragley was ready to bounce and play the next morning hah It has been a struggle trying to keep her calm. She has gone a little stir crazy

Polly never slowed down after her spay either. 

I think pretty much everyone here has had that problem.  The first few days/week are the most important.  You just have to do what you can.  Lots of leash walks.  During that time if she is too rowdy I would crate her some of the time.  You don't want to have to have her restitched.  I think the norm for stitch removal is 10-14 days.  

This is definitely a common problem! Our vet actually told us "good luck with this one!" After he gave us the post op instructions. She got a lot of quiet toys and chews. Himalayan dog chews, frozen carrots, frozen kongs, and braided bully sticks were all our best friends! We also took her for 2-3 walks a day for a few days after she got home. About 5 days post op we were defeated though, there was no keeping her down. She was just frolicking around the house. She was fine, her incision healed beautifully and the vet was surprised we hadn't called him over the weekend to stitch her back up. Her outer stitches came out about 7-10 days post op I think?

You are in the exact same boat as I was, and I posted about the same thing. I was so upset with being unable to keep her off the furniture. I was told to put pillows all over the couch to keep her off of it and this is what I got: 

I just had to keep reminding myself that in X amount of days this will be over. 

What a great picture. It's like she's saying "Thanks, Mom, for putting all these nice pillows out for me!"

hahaha yes, exactly!

It does seem that is what she is thinking! Too cute!


LOL OMD adorable! "thanks for the extra cushions, mom!"

Sadie also had the dissolving stitches, but I remember the 10 days after her spaying as being the longest 10 days of my life! :)

Sounds very normal to me.  Most dogs don't even realize that they need to take it easy for a while.  The cones seem to slow them down a little, but after a few days, they don't seem necessary.  Two weeks for stitches?  That is about right.  I guess that is why I prefer males.  The surgery (especially when done young) is much easier, just snip, snip, instead of cutting and stitches. I always get male puppies and have them chipped and clipped before I even take possession.



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