Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi All,
Wasn't really sure where to put this post, but I need some advice. My GD pup Jedi is 23 weeks. His poop was just fine until he caught a mild kennel cough at daycare and went on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory for a week. His stools turned to "soft serve" and "chocolate shake" before our eyes. I wasn't alarmed - he's fine, has an appetite, drinks water, wants to play, etc. However... it's been well over a week since he finished his meds, and although the cough is gone, the loose bowels aren't!
After his kennel cough meds stopped I expected the stools to firm up in a day or two but that didn't happen. Last Friday, I decided to call the vet about it when we observed him still making soft stools, but appearing to strain a bit and squatting for a lot longer than usual. Vet prescribed mitroconazole (4 days) as well as 2 days of a "bland diet" (i.e. canned food). We followed the diet recommendations and started administering the meds 2x daily per instructions. Plus we have given pumpkin at every meal.
It's the 3rd day of the meds, and this morning he went out and made... even more watery poop! My question is, what can I do to help him firm up and get back on track?
** I should add that he was on Blue Buffalo Lamb and Oatmeal before the antibiotics, but midway we got our petflow order and it was a Blue Buffalo Chicken and Rice and we just fed him that since we know he likes it (that was what he ate previous to the Lamb just makes him poop more stinky so we changed to Lamb.. when we switched from Chicken to Lamb poop wasn't affected). He also gets bully stick, chicken jerky, freeze dried liver, or turkey cold cut as treats. All of them are natural without additives.
UPDATE: I went back to my records, and the first meds that Jedi were prescribed for cough were Temaril and Clindamycin. After I called back about his digestion, he was prescribed metronidazole. He finished the Temaril and Clindamycin, but I've discontinued the metronidazole.
Read more here:
Jedi took the whole course, but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't prednisone. I recognize that one from how often doctors have prescribed it to me. It's ironic that I am on a big personal health crusade right now to change my diet and have become hyper alert/informed about food content and controlling my conditions, but have totally failed my sweet little pup pup.. until now!!! **super fierce and determined Mama bear scowl**
All of us have been thru it. Do not be hard on yourself. :)
Karen thought you might appreciate an update. I went back to my records, and the first meds that Jedi were prescribed were Temaril and Clindamycin. After I called back about his digestion, he was prescribed metronidazole. He finished the Temaril and Clindamycin, but I've discontinued the metronidazole.
Temaril is combination drug that contains a steroid, prednisolone. :(
Booooooooooooo! You know, at first I thought Jedi might have an allergy when I brought him in. It occurred to me to ask in the vet's office: "if this is a kennel cough (virus) why does he need antibiotics?" That's certainly the question I would have asked my doctor (or already known the answer to and skipped filling the rx). But I am on uncertain footing at the vet because Jedi is my first pet. Instead I didn't speak up, and assumed that the vet observed something indicative of a possible bacterial secondary infection and/or inflammatory symptoms when she checked his nose and ears. However, now when I think of it, he didn't act sick - he was his regular playful self. It probably would have run its course in a week. Instead, I am now treating the result of a damaging, unnecessary treatment. The cost notwithstanding, lesson learned.
Like I said, we've all been through it. I've been taking my own dogs to vets since 1977, and it took me 30 years to stop automatically accepting whatever they recommended with no questions asked. :)
I am happy to report that after just a day and a half of following your advice, I just used a poop bag for the first time in weeks! Jedi is, to put it delicately "SOLID! Solid as a ROCK!" *happy dance*
Thanks DK, and particularly Karen for your help in getting this problem solved. I haven't even receipts the Proviable DC capsules in the mail yet! When I do, I'll make to use those and get him firmed up. This also seriously makes me consider discontinuing kibble and making his food from now on since it's obviously healing to his gut.
In my enthusiasm, I did not mean to imply that he pooped rocks. It was just right :)
"Solid as a Rock" is our theme song here, lol. We know exactly what you mean, and we're very glad to hear it. :)
We have lots of info here for homemade diets for your dog, and it can be done. But it's not quite as simple as the temporary bland diet you're using now. You must follow a recipe that contains all of the nutrients a dog needs, and for puppies, this is even more crucial. It always involves using some supplements.
Plus, homemade food is much less caloric than kibble, which means you have to feed more...a lot more. For a standard adult doodle JD's size, you need to feed them about 8 cups of homemade food per day. That's a lot of cooking. For a growing puppy, whose calorie requirements can be double those of an adult dog, it's also a lot of cooking.
If JD weighed 20-40 lbs, I'd probably be cooking all of his food. :)
There's also the question of travel, for those who do. If you use a boarding facility, do they have the ability to keep enough homemade food refrigerated while you're gone? If you take the dog with you, will you be able to keep his food refrigerated on the road? Will you be gone too long for the food to stay fresh, requiring you to cook more during the trip?
If God forbid you should become ill and unable to cook, is there someone else able to do it? These are all questions you need to consider.
There's no question in my mind that a homemade diet is probably healthier for any dog than even the finest kibble, so I don't mean to dissuade you; it can definitely be done, but you need to know what you're in for, lol. Some people choose to feed one homemade meal per day and one kibble meal, to help avoid some of the practical issues listed above.
You might also consider some of the dehydrated raw products like Sojo's and Honest Kitchen, where you just mix it with water and add your own meat, chicken, etc.
Wow! Thanks for the insight :) I just LOVE all the community here at DK.
I'm going to cop to the fact that I'm a bit of an overachiever/overcommitter, and that I might have been a bit too hasty in declaring myself ready to change him to a 100% homemade diet! (Which I'm pretty sure was the caring thought behind your message - "SLOW YOUR ROLL, HOMEGIRL!"... thanks, by the way).
Consider my talked down from the ledge. I will continue to research and consider how I can incorporate more homemade food into Jedi's diet, however... Like you said, it might meaning cycling through homemade food/kibble so that he get a mix of both.
Jedi is in very good hands. :)
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