Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Anyone feed their Doodle raw as a puppy? Our Bulldog Lola eats Primal/ Stella&Chewy's on a rotating basis. She has absolutely thrived on this diet. I am curious if any of you have seen the amazing benefits of raw in your doodles.

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You are among the very few that I see on this site that feed raw.  There is a Raw food group but very little activity.  I feed my dog raw...she is 4 years old and when she was a puppy had all sorts of issues with kibble...good kibble was helping her, but raw has led to the pinkest ears imaginable!  When she ate kibble her fur wasn't creamy white anymore, she had rust stain coloring all over her mouth and neck and feet.  I'm not saying this has all disappeared, but so much better than it was.  She still has some environmental issues and anal gland issues, but nothing like we experienced in her first months...the vet had her on all sorts of medications for her ears and loose stools.  I am so glad those days are gone. Feeding raw for me is not as simple as ripping open a bag of dry dog food and pouring it in a I call it a "labor of love"  I see her as very healthy, happy, and beautiful!

Joan ~ love these photos.  Yes, she looks so healthy and her coat is beautiful.

This is exactly what i saw with my bully, Lola. Yeasty ears, paws, itchy everywhere. Loose stools and gas. All this while feeding Orijen, an excellent food. We tried various varieties. I will always remember the first time I offered raw to Lola. She was so excited to eat. We had never seen that before. As time went by, the issues cleared up. No more yeasty red stains anywhere (tear stains, too). Her fur is soooo soft. Her digestion is predictable. If these are all of the outward signs, imagine what good it is doing on the inside. When we got our doodle Hudson, I knew I would start him on raw immediately. It is worth the time and $$$!!!

We feed raw. Bentley & Porsche were transitioned as adults but Maserati has been raw fed since being in our home at 9 weeks. We have been amazed at the positive changes in our older two and have been really amazed and how evenly Mazi has grown rather than awkward growth spurts. We are in contact with 4 of Mazi's liter mates and get compliments on his overall appearance regularly. 

Bentley had struggled with many issues his entire life and was overweight despite exercise, quality kibble, etc... He is almost 8 and has never looked physically better and is now at an excellent weight. He has more energy and isn't sickly. Porsche was never excited about eating, she would go days of just a bite or two. Now, she gets overly excited for dinner time and her fur and temperament are better than ever at almost 7 years old. Both of our older dogs had horrible breath now, not at all! Their teeth look awesome, no more plaque and the bad breath is gone! 

Feeding raw is definitely a labor of love but one that we will whole heartedly continue. Our dogs have thrived since we made the switch and we couldn't be happier with our decision. Thankfully, we have found an awesome meat supplier and a great vet who not only supports the decision but feeds raw himself and promotes it too. 

I feed my 2 year old, Nellie, raw. All of her health issues have disappeared and she is a much happier and content dog.

I fed Wally Primal food for years, and I must say that his yeast issues were resolved while he was eating the raw diet. I definitely attribute the turn-around to him eating Primal. Interestingly, though, I switched him over to Acana's Regional Ingredients (grain-free) kibble about nine months ago, and yeast never returned.  

I too feed raw, my Shepadoodle's persistent health problems all disappeared once I started him on a raw diet. I started my Goldendoodle pup on raw as well....they absolutely LOVE meal times! Their teeth are white and spotless, their coats are gorgeous, they're just all round healthy.
Yup, a lot more work than kibble but SO worth it!!
I feed raw and dry feed to all three of my dogs! They are always super excited for dinner time. I use dinovite raw feed recipe and supplements. I've added shredded sweat potato and carrots to the recipe as well. I think it's well worth the extra time and effort required to prepare and serve them a much better diet!



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