Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have always loved dogs, but since we lived in an apartment when I was growing up, having a dog was not an option. I had a canary and a guinea pig growing up. But I kept my parents amazed by knowing names of all dogs that lived in our neighborhood. We would go for a walk and my parents would scream at me as I was sticking my arms through fences to pet a dog that lived there. And I always answered: "Don't worry, this is Hugo" or whichever particular dog that was.

It wasn't until I moved to the US, got married, and bought a house that the idea of having a dog became real. I don't remember where I learned about doodles and why I wanted a doodle. I just remember knowing THAT'S the dog I wanted. I don't remember when and how I found DoodleKisses. All I know that my life will never be the same.

I'm so proud and honored to receive the HDA. It came to Colorado from my friend Ro (and Enzo) in San Diego. We visited San Diego in June, but have not had a chance to meet Ro and Enzo. So this makes the award even more special.

The box got here on Thursday afternoon. The boys have a "special sense" for the squeaky breaks of the UPS truck so they announced the arrival of the box loud and clear.

Apparently, they knew the delivery was for them.

We made room and started opening the box:

Auggie was so excited that he wanted me to hold his paw while we opened the box. He is a sensitive guy, you know: :-)

Ro sent us wonderful things: I got a nice smelling potpourri and a bottle of sand from San Diego beaches (we've been to SD twice and I'm in LOVE with SD...the boys love the beaches!). Monty and Auggie got a plethora of durable toys, they did not know which toy to play with first. It was so cute! And I love the giclee print of a beach doodle! That's my boys right there! I just wish we could move to San Diego! :-)

Two doodles happy as a clam:

DK is such a wonderful community! Thank you all for being my doodle friends.

Life with two dogs can be hectic, but I would not have it any other way. Love my boys!

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Congratulations and welcome to the HDA club! Love the photos! 

Love, love, love, LOVE, these pics! We had such fun choosing and picking the various items. Enzo says collecting the sand and shells was probably her favorite...especially since Mom wouldn't allow her to steal and play with all the toys.
We're so sorry to have had to miss your visit, but we time! I just know, Enzo, Monty and Auggiw would become fast friends!
Welcome to the HDA club! ((HUGS))

Congratulations Jarka and doods.  Love your two furries :)
The boxes are getting huuuuge!

Jarka can attest: lots of paper packing! I needed a larger box to accommodate the print canister! Plus the DK box that holds the medal is pretty big!

LOL, and the boys had fun ripping the paper packing afterwards as well.

That big box with the pattern?  It was what the goodies were in several homes ago so I sent it along.  Feel free to donate it to the next recipient Jarka...or keep it if you can't fit almost everything in it.  The DK Medal should be okay with some padding, it doesn't need a box.

Yes, the patterned box. LOL...wish I had known! I had the perfect smaller box for the journal and medal, but thought the larger box had some magical meaning! ;). At least the medal is well protected! ;)

Ha! Me too! You mean it's just a box :)

LOL, same for me!

LOL, perhaps the patterned box needs to a the part of the award. I'll see if I can find a smaller one. I kind of like the idea of the medal and the journal being in a nice box. But yes, this one is pretty big.

Congratulations, Jarka! Happy to have you in the club of Hopeless Doodle Adicts! I really thought you were already a member. It's a joy to know you through DK. We all love sweet Monty and super-silly Auggie. Ro did an amazing job choosing gifts for you. Enjoy it all. I loved the photos. Big hugs and Doodlekisses.

Thanks, Bonnie. I think I was in the "club" for a longer while, but getting the award makes it official.



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