I was at Petsmart the other day and saw the salt that's pet safe. I was going to buy some but then saw the price! $80 for 35 pounds!!! I just about choked. I've bought pet safe salt before, but didn't remember that price . The next day I went to buy salt for our water softener at a local pool store. They also had pet safe salt. Not the same brand, but they said it was just as safe. It was $7.95 for a 50 pound bag! You may want to check your local hardware or pool store before buying salt.
We bought Paws Safe for like $20.It was so small,and did not last long.DH was at Home Depot and found Eco Sand also safe for pets 30p for $10. Also works so much better than Paws Safe. I still have the teal balls of the Paws Safe all over my house. My Vacuum does not seem to want to suck it up.
Yea! Thank you for the tip. I went to my local hardware store and got 35 lbs. for $24.00! It wasn't the great deal you got but better than what they had at Petco.
( By the way, it isn't advertised as Pet-safe. I asked and they said it is their corn based product.;-) )