Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi doodle owners!  We just brought our 8 week old goldendoodle puppy home today.  She is extremely sleepy and has slept most of the day.  Is this normal?  We were expecting her to be a bit more hyper since she is a young pup.  


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I would say it's definitely normal, but every pup is different! Traveling and being introduced to a new environment can be stressful and exhausting for a puppy. As a young puppy, all Sophie did was play intensely for a few minutes then crash and sleep for long periods (plus lots of potty times in between haha!). Growing puppies need TONS of sleep.

Yes, puppies sleep a lot, plus all the new changes makes them very tired.

Yes, very normal for a puppy at that age, she has had a lot of excitement meeting her new family and going to a new home. You will be wishing for a sleepy puppy in a few and enjoy your new puppy!!
All very normal! LOL...enjoy it while you can.....wait for it.......;)
Ahhh, to have a sleepy puppy ;-)

Welcome! As the others have said it is very normal for young puppies to sleep a lot. They play hard and sleep even harder when they're little pups. Enjoy it while you can! 

Thank you for all your reassurance!  She has been getting more and more energetic with each day.  I can see her comfort level increasing.  Guess she was just overwhelmed with the move the first few days! :)



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