Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Finished the sixth book by Diana Galbaldon and have to admit that I don't know what I am going to do at 3:00 in the morning now. I have a habit of only sleeping about 5-6 hours and when I wake up I know I will not be going back to sleep so I get up and read for a couple of hours, then go back to bed and get a couple hours more of sleep. Diana's books have been my night-time companions all year.
Thanks, Carla, for the suggestion of another author - Deborah Harkness. When I take the last Galbaldon book back to the library, I will get the books by Harkness. I love time travel and historical fiction, so these sound perfect to me. BTW, I read my first Galbaldon book on my iPad, but then started getting them at the library. When the first one was 100 chapters and I saw it was 700 pages, I just found library books worked better for me. I still get lost sometimes on my iPad and was spending way too much time looking for my place in the book. Shorter books work much better for me.
Anybody else Diana Galbaldon fans? I thought we should have a new discussion because the What are you reading now? discussion was getting pretty long.
Well, they are about 600 pages each, so that is plenty of reading. I actually read them last year so had to reread most of them. Now MOBY and I think I will be ready for the series on TV. Have you read Deborah Harkness also?
Yes, have already read all of the Outlander series but the last, so will be rereading most. Have reread once already, but just love them. The only books I've ever wanted to read over and over. Now trying to collect the entire set in hardcover with my points on there and bought MOBY as soon as it came out.
I have read Deborah Harkness! Loved her. She is just coming out with the third in the series.....I think July an email last night. Would like to reread these too! Need more reading time, lol.
Deborah Harkness is great also. What is the third book? I need to get it as I have finished with rereading the Gabaldon books. Only a few weeks to go until Outlander is on TV. Supposedly Aug. 2 for those who just can't wait until Aug. 9.
The new one by Harkness is titled The Book of Life. I'm still reading that series by Anna Belfrage. Three more books to go, but I decided to finish them before rereading the Outlanders. Can't wait, but figure I should finish up with these characters or I'll have to reread these too.
I did just that Mary. I lie to finish up with the characters. THEN.... I come to find out that she has another book that comes out in Nov!!!! Looking forward to it!!!
And still another after that one! I realized that only a few days ago. Looks like I'll be getting nothing done around here for a while with all the catching up I have to do :)
Just got it "The Book of Life". The series by Ana Belfrage will be next for me.
Just finished Deborah Harkness's third book, The Book of Life. It came out in July and goes really well with the other two. Nice trilogy.
Oh, I just love the style of Diana Gabaldon! When I picked up her book, Moby, this morning, this was the first thing I read: "Like plumbing, medicine is a profession where you learn early on not to put your fingers in your mouth." Then a few pages about a medical problem, followed by a few pages of meeting an old friend, then a few pages about pithing frogs, then the English militia comes for a visit, my style of writing for sure. Can't wait for the series on TV.
After finishing MOBY, I was in full Diana mode- so I started all over with the audio books, narrated by Davina Porter. She is incredible and it has brought the series to life. I have read Outlander twice, but this was like hearing it for the first time. I am up to the last few chapters in Dragonfly right now, but am dreading Culloden.
I also now know how to pronounce "Leghair" and other names as well as hearing many of the Scottish and French phrases correctly pronounced.
If you go this route, look into joining Audiobooks. The price is reasonable based on membership.
Countdown for Starz!
Oh, yeah, Moby was like frosting on the cake. Can't wait for Starz in August. I got it on our TV satellite and I don't even watch TV, but I guess I will be watching now. I think I would just fall asleep with an audiobook. I have an iPad and Samsung tablet, but only use them when I am traveling or waiting somewhere like a auto repair place. I like the hand-held books that I can pass on when I finish it, but I have not passed on any of Gabaldon's books. Can't believe I have reread all of them and they are 600-700 pages each.
I also prefer a book in my hand. Am collecting all the Gabaldon in hardcover, but finding that they aren't all the same size.....height wise. Its driving me nuts, guess I'm a bit OCD. Also the covers are different. I like the solid color dust jackets, but a few have the illustrations on them. Wish I could figure it out, but still love reading them, lol. Not the same on a kindle, to me anyway. May try the audios while I'm painting.
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