Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Every day that I log on (which is most days), I check to see who has been adopted especially those I am closely watching.  Belle pulled at my heart every time I saw her and so I literally cheered out loud when I saw that she had a new home.   No idea who adopted her but they must be very special people and she surely seemed like a very special doodle.   The new family looks very happy together and The Boys and I wish them all the joy, love and good times they deserve.  

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Aw that's great news!

I jumped up and down (as best I could at my desk.....) for joy - I'm so happy.  Such a blessing.

I know exactly what you mean. Sweet Memphis in NC is that way for me. I scroll down to the bottom of the page each day to check if she is still there. I'm not sure why, but for some reason or another she has stuck in my heart. So glad Belle found a home and I continue to send up prayers for Memphis and the other doodles still in need of furever homes.

Stephanie, just saw that Memphis was adopted!!

Yes, she waited a long time, but she's finally home! 

Her new dad posted this comment today:

"She's been with us for three days.  What a dream dog.  Our big secret is she's blind.  People just don't notice.  She's a dream dog with one slight disadvantage.  I won't even call it a handicap.  I feel like we stole her."


I just teared up at working reading this. How amazing

So sweet!!! I'm glad Belle will have the opportunity to bring so much joy to her new family!
I watched Belle, too. I am so glad she found the right family.

What great news! I saw their picture on Facebook today…they all look so happy!

Wonderful people !



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