Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a lovely 10 month old F1 golden doodle named Freya. She's the apple of my eye and quite athletic. She is a much exercised dog. However, I am wanting to get more into biking with her and have started out in very short intervals recently more so at a trot than a hard run.

I am wondering if anyone has some experience with these activities with their doodles, and what kind of outcome you guys have, I.e. Distance, speed, etc.

Thanks muchly!

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I personally would not do any biking or running with a 10 month old doodle.   Their bones and joints are not all fully developed yet at this point and you can set yourself up for issues down the road.  I would just do walks until around 18 months.  Some do a little earlier, but not at 10 months.  These are the same reasons that most agility classes and things like that won't take them young.

My ex-daughter-in-law uses an attachment on her bike to 'walk' her dogs.

This bike tow leash has too high of a center of gravity.  The BTL that fastens to the sprocket is better as the center of gravity is much lower.  And be careful with them (and their pads) on the pavement.

Hi Jacqueline ~ I would also so say definitely not at this age.  My vet told me that it is the repetitive nature of running or biking a dog on leash, that is harmful to their joints.  It is far better to take them to a dog park and throw balls off leash so they are not running at the same gait.  Another good sport is dock dogs where they are jumping into the water to retrieve. I would suggest you discuss it with your vet before making any decisions.   

Yes, we have had lots of experience with biking and the dogs.  Our first doodle was practically raised running with a bike (mountain bike) and he would follow right behind my right foot.  All of our doodles have run with the bikes, and we also got some bike tow leashes and would take them on walks in more crowded areas on the BTL.  You have to just be careful about their pads and check them to see if they are getting irritated.  Several photos of dogs and bikes on my photos.  Take a look.  Groucho Too was even running with Charlie on his bike just a few weeks before he died of cancer (also running on the beach).  Just really pay attention to their physical state and listen to your dog.  They know what they can do.

Ragley is 10 months old and I do not do any biking or running with her yet because of join development issues. I would wait 

I waited well over a year before I started biking with Maggie. We recently got the BTL and it has been great. We both love it and she gets a good walk/run. Definitely watch their pads. Maggie ripped hers up the first time out and we learned our lesson. We are much more careful now :)
Great advice here! Running/ biking should be held off until at least 18 months.



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