Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Another thing that is bugging me is my Aussiedoodles panting. I've never had a big dog before, maybe this is normal? He drinks normally he just pants.
Obviously, dogs have a vastly differentphysiology than people. For one thing, dogs have fur -- the equivalent of a coat. Imagine you’re running around in the hot sun, with a coat on, and you can’t take it off! After a while, you’d start to sweat and look for something to drink -- the cooler the better.
Once their body temperature rises, dogs can’t sweat through their skin like we do to cool off. Dogs do sweat through their paw pads, but it’s by panting that dogs circulate the necessary air through their bodies to cool down.
Maybe shave his coat down or find a way to get him cool. Fan, air conditioner, cooling pad, baby pool in the backyard, swim in the lake, shade, etc. Anything that keeps you cool, they would like too. Plus, he has a winter coat on.
Small dogs pant too. All dogs pant but in the deep south, when it is 90 plus, I bet he is panting, a lot. Hope so. Because if not, he could die
So just my guess, your dog is HOT! Real Hot in Buford since it is 90degrees. Whoosh, I would be so hot too
I should have clarified. I don't walk him until the late evening when it cools down and only the short walk to the bus stop. He pants indoors always, not heavy panting, but panting. His hair is kept short in the summer, it's just plain hot. I am just wondering about the constant panting indoors. Maybe he is hot indoors too...just wondering if anyone else had this issue.
Both of my girls pant, a lot! Polly pants mostly after she has been playing, but Meg will just pant for no apparent reason and she pants longer and harder than Polly does. She checks out fine at the vet and my husband says the same as Joanne, she is just trying to cool her self down. It doesn't seem to bother either of my girls.
He could be hot indoors too or he's still cooling down. Dogs may also pant when they're stressed. Finn pants when he's hot, but also when he's bored, when he wants to go out and run off some energy, and sometimes, in new situations that he finds uncomfortable. Even though the house is air conditioned, I put a fan on at night because the moving air seems to keep him more comfortable.
Maybe he is just one of those dogs that pant. I have noticed that when he seems bored and is just walking around looking for his toys he is panting. Thanks for the info. I just wanted to make sure this was not out of the ordinary.
Some dogs also pant when they get nervous or anxious. Could that be the case?
It could be. I know when I brush him, of which he hates, he pants a lot. I've been watching him closer to see exactly when it happens. So far brushing him and when he seems bored.
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