Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone! I am the first time owner of a labradoodle and so far, I love it! I have had a Labrador, 2 Boxers and a great dane, so I have always preferred the short haired breeds- until now! Abigail Adams is amazing! She will be trained to become my service dog and her temperament so far is very promising. I am just wondering if I will be able to keep everyone from doing "drive-by pettings" because she is sooo darn cute! I look forward to the years to come with her and to becoming a part of this online community. 


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Welcome!!  Sophie is not a service dog but she does tolerate a lot of "drive-by pettings".  They are just so hard to resist.  Valarie

I actually saw my first doodle while assisting a lady. I didn't pet the dog, but he was just too cute. She was excited to tell me all about them. I was hooked from that point on :-) 

Welcome Tiffany and Abigail Adams.  Your photography is gorgeous.  Hope you'll join the Photography Group.  I think that most people will respect a dog with a service dog vest. She's so cute you'll get a lot of attention though.

Thank you Cheryl and Finnegan! I will be joining the photography group. They are too darn cute, so while I will not allow touching, I can completely understand why people would try. Disneyland will be an interesting place to visit. Thank God it's off season and crowds are low!

Welcome to DoodleKisses - the best website around for doodle lovers everywhere.  I think you will find that a labradoodle is even better than the short-haired breeds.  We got started with doodles when my son's shepherd died leaving my husband's standard poodle grieving for her companion.  The service dog personality was the seller for me.  And it was definitely a plus having the non-smelling, non-shedding qualities for an in-home dog.  If your dog is wearing a service dog vest, most people will not try touching her, but you may have to educate some people.  If they ask to touch her, just say it is not good for her training when she is wearing a service vest.

Thank you, Lynda! I am navigating through the site and it is extensive and pretty awesome! I think you're right. The only thing that smells on her is her breath for some reason. She's pretty amazing. I figure I will be doing a lot of educating and I think I can do better by educating the kids. They're more likely to remember and tell their friends next time they see a service dog. I have no interest in dealing with ignorant adults, I don't have much tolerance for them :-/

Welcome, Tiffany and Abigail Adams.  Part of training for service dogs teaches them to be 'all business' when wearing their vest and family pets  when they are not.  If you are having her professionally trained, the trainer will teach Abigail  the difference and she will pretty much ignore others when she is on duty.

Thank you! Now that she has been with me for a a few days she is coming out of her shell. I am having her professionally trained, or I am being trained should I say LOL. The trainer will come out to my house and will train me to train her. I am starting with her puppy class in a few weeks so Abigail can socialize more. 

Welcome to DK! Congrats on Abigail Adams on her service dog training. In my experience people respect animals in service vests. 

Welcome to Doodle Kisses Tiffany and Abigail Adams!  Love her name and she is a real cutie!  Enjoy this wonderful site and all the adorable Doodles on it!



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