Hi All!, Just a quick update....I was rendered computerless for 3 days due to a Trojan virus I contracted from visiting various doodle related sites....They are some of our favorites and I can't name them here but I have informed the site administrators of their apparent infections with various "strains" of the Trojan virus now engineered to bypass Symantec and Microsoft anti-virus software......I have 367 emails to read so it may take awhile for me to catch up!...lol....GLAD TO BE BACK!
I got the malware virus (on my work computer, no less) and lost everything on my harddrive that wasn't backed up. DH is my boss and needless to say he wasn't at all pleased. I guess too much time shopping and doodle hunting to be doing much work - oh, well!!!!!
Glad you are back!!!
You bad girl!...You're supposed to be focusing on your work!...lol......of course. getting the virus meant you were...SO TOTALLY BUSTED!......bummer.....Are you forgiven?
I had a Trojan as well......spent last night virus scanning and defragging the computer. It kept getting slower and slower!
I had been to a few of those sites, too, but not telling where it came from. Glad you are up and running!