Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi All,

Glad to join your community. We finally got a doodle back in May. he was 6 weeks old when we took him home. Best purchase I've ever made. My pup is everything I had ever heard about doodles. Smart as heck, smiley, low shedding, loving and a big doofus! Can't wait to meet you guys. I have hundreds of pictures just like I'm sure all of you do so I will post more.

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Welcome! Your doodle is adorable!

What a cutie pie and welcome to DK :)

Scott, what a wonderful dog.  Welcome to DK!

On a side note, getting a puppy at 6 weeks is illegal in most states and is detrimental for well adjusted mental growth and  puppy well being.  It can cause ill effects for life.  So, glad you are not seeing or  having problems. You are blessed. Hope you feel lucky too. 

Thanks for the concern Joanne, we were also concerned. Everything was cleared by the vet and he isn't showing any negative signs thus far. He gets lots of love, attention, exercise and discipline. We love the little guy, and since we got him we realized that 3 other golden doodles live in the neighborhood. He's very popular, he's a mayor

Thanks for your reply, Scott.   Seems as though you were aware of this issue. I only posted hoping others who read this would know it is not a good thing to do.  You knew, but so many other new and young parents do not.  Thank you for allowing me. 

You were so patient with me and know I hesitated to bring it up and I only did for that simple reason.

We are glad you are here with us on DK.  Many happy and wonderful years may your Mayor Reign of his neighborhood  :) 

Welcome to DoodleKisses - the best website around for doodle lovers everywhere.  Find a couple of groups that meet your needs and interests and hop right in.  You will be glad you did.  Mister Mayor is darling and sure seems to fit all the qualifications for a goldendoodle.   They are the greatest dogs.

He's so cute and I love his name! Definitely one of the more original that I've come across...

there's so many groups, this should be great! What a big community. My girlfriend likes to paint, maybe I should have her do some doodle paintings for this group!

He is adorable!!!!!

Welcome, he is adorable! 

I'm glad he is healthy, like Joanne, that worried me that you brought him home at 6 weeks. I hope his siblings are happy and healthy too!

Hello Handsome!  Such cute pictures, he looks like a stuffed toy in the middle one.

So cute and a LOVE the name!



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