Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

8 Month Old Perfect a Puppy turned into Destroying Monster! HELP

My wonderful, sweet, loving eight month old GD has suddenly turned into a monster that's destroying all her toys and those of her older sister. She has always been full of energy and life but also a total cuddle bug. Yesterday she tore apart a Tuffy Toy that she has been playing and sleeping with. Her blanket suddenly is full of holes and no toy is safe from her! Has anyone else experienced this? I do believe she now thinks her full name is "Cassie, Leave It"! Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated!

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Cassie is a cutie.  She looks kind of like my Zoey, who is also an 8 mo GD.  She just started doing the exact same thing.  All of the stuffed toys are missing ears, tails and innerds.  She had a couple of rope toys and has decided that the best part is destroying the ropes. 

The best toy I found so far is a hard rubber toy, similar to a kong type material with a little squeaker in it.  I am constantly taking away 1/2 eaten toys these day. 

i hope this is a short lived phase.  Good luck!

They could be Sisters! So cute! Cassie is a big girl...just hit 50 pounds which is what we expected. We wanted a big dog to play with our older GD and that's exactly what we have! She's a love....if she'd just stop destroying her toys!

I can sympathize, but Addie has been in this stage longer, and I don't see it ending. Addie started this probably about 6 - 7 months and she is 10 months now. She loves to pull the squeakie  out of the toys, as well as the stuffing. I buy her hard rubber toys and chew toys. I also buy her toys with minimum stuffing, because she does like to sleep with something soft, but then she drags it from her crate later and chews the stuffing out of it. 

My consolation is that she is destroying her toys, not my furniture, although she has put a hole in the near middle of my dining room rug.

That doesn't sound like any least not for you. Mine is only 3 months so hasn't really hit that stage yet. The only thing I have to add is to be careful with the toys with the squeakers. Let her play with them supervised. I have read too many horror stories of dogs swallowing the squeakers and requiring thousands of dollars in vet bills to remove it. I only let mine sleep with her blankie and rope toys now. Good luck, I hope it ends for you soon and she is back to her cuddly self.

I think this is pretty typical...mine actually started a little younger than that.  That stage lasted quite a while....I just took the toy away when they started trying to destroy it.....and I bought toys that were more durable (unfortunately they were more expensive). 

When did the chew-a-holic stage end, Jane? Rip is 7 mos and I am always watching, sigh. Just bought a Zogoflex though, which has been great.
They're not supposed to destroy stuffy toys? Lol...

Our Springer outgrew any destructive tendancies, Ned went through a phase of it and will still rip toys but it takes a while. Clancy, who we got as a rescue at age 2, absolutely destroys toys quickly - minutes if they have a squeaker.

Riley is a year and a half and still destroys stuffed animals...selectively though. I am noticing she seems to do more damage to big ones. She's had two little stuffed animals since she was a puppy and just carries them around and nibbles on them gently. I buy big "super tough" toys and she swings them around like a crazy person killing its prey and ends up ripping them. Just cut the ears and arms off a big stuffed animal the other day because they were starting to come apart. Only the legs and body left at this point. LOL. I only leave out the toys she is gentle with when I am not around to ensure she doesn't chose on the stuffing. Thankfully, Riley LOVES balls and will walk around chewing on her rubber balls like they are gum. In case it gives you some ideas, below are some of the non-stuffed animal toys she likes. One of the best stuffed toys is from Meijer (a local grocery store.) It is a bone shapped stuffed toy with a rubber bone in the center. Only cost like $5 and lasts forever. Good luck!

Welcome to adolescence :)

West Paw zogoflex toys are amazing- I would definitely invest in some of those- the bumi is our personal favorite. Chewy has great prices on West Paw toys



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