Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lucy just turned one and yesterday she was sick.  She threw up 4 times and would not eat or drink.  We took her to the vet and they did an xray and gave her an injection to help settle her stomach. 

We thought today she'd be better but during the night she peed in her crate (never does that)! even though she hasn't had anything to drink.

She's so lethargic!

What's up!

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Aww I'm sorry to hear it and that I cannot be more help but just wanted to wish her well. I'd be calling vet and googling but I'm a worrier. Hope she is better soon! Maybe you would like to post in Health group - you will get more feedback. Best,
No ideas here but hugs for you and hopes that Lucy feels better very soon!

No parasites? Even if wormed some wormer doesn't get all types.  Heart worm meds I think doesn't get whipworm.  Pups can have coccidiosis which is a different wormer.   I so hope she is better soon.

With my dogs it's often they ate something horrible.....

Oh no!  I sure hope Lucy feels better...please keep us posted!

This happened to my puppy with her first set of shots. My Rosie was very squirmy and they may have hit a muscle, which is very painful. I gave her Benadryl per our vet prior to next set is shots. It's a horrible feeling to hear them yelping in so much pain.

I am so sorry she is ill. If she isn't improved by tomorrow, I would take her back.  You don't want her to get dehydrated.

I'm so torn on what to do!

She's our first puppy so I feel like a new parent.  I've asked friends with dogs if they take their dog to the vet every time they throw up and every single one said no and that they usually improve in a day or two. 

We took Lucy in right away and got the x-ray.  The vet says the next step is barium to check for blockage (something the xray couldn't pick up).  If they find something, surgery would be $1000 or so.

She has had NOTHING to eat or drink since yesterday morning so we're going on 48 hours here! 

I'm wondering why the vet is really thinking a blockage.  Can't dogs get bugs or something?  I feel like she needs in IV of fluids or something!

It's not that Lucy wouldn't eat something she shouldn't.  DH says he's seen a sock in her poop.  But I feel like it's somewhat unlikely.  We still keep her tethered or crated in the house and she's never outside alone so her opportunity for eating something crazy is SO limited. 

Maybe you can ask the vet why he/she would diagnose it as a blockage? I understand your inclination and the peer pressure to not overreact. But if you have a good vet, they will have a good reason for and be happy to explain the interventions. And you will feel better knowing you have done the right thing by her! I hope she gets better soon. Best,

I am so sorry, but I can relate...  I have a new pup.  10 weeks on Saturday so much younger, but he came down with some sort of bug and I have been in the vet three times and three days, diarrhea, but no vomiting.  We actually ended up giving him liquids under the skin in order to keep him from getting dehydrated so you might want to consider that.  We went through two different antibiotics as he reacted to the first and it made things worse. I even had him tested for parvo just in case. He also wasn't eating and I began feeding him WHATEVER he would eat...  Boiled chicken, white rice, pure pumpkin, boiled ground beef, etc.  He is finally feeling better, but I was scared.  Don't be afraid to contact your vet as many times as you need to.  I kept apologizing and they kept telling me that is what they were there for!  So call them!! 

I hope she gets better soon!!

I am very familiar with your situation as I've gone through it a few times (Jax is 11 months).  Lucy will need to get fluids from the vet to prevent dehydration.    X-rays typically do not show a blockage unless it's something like a sock so this last time I declined X-rays.  If I need to do a test to determine a blockage, I want to know on the first test will be definitive, which an X-ray isn't.

**A great rule of thumb my vet shared was if you can hear a noisy tummy, that means the stomach is trying to process whatever they may have eaten.  A very quiet tummy means a blockage.

I found out the expensive way that Jax can not tolerate rawhide or pig ears. His dental chew from Virbec had been a raw hide and caused major distress.

Fluids, anti nausea meds should help if there isn't a blockage.  Start w/ a very bland diet (vet recommended) or rice/chix/pumpkin is a favorite.

I hope this helps and Lucy will be feeling better soon!

Good yo know.



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