Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A couple weeks ago, a publisher contacted me about a copy of a darling children's book about a labradoodle named Mogie who "works" for a Ronald McDonald House, helping kids get their "mojo" back.  The book is intended for children 4-8 years old and since I have one of those in my house, I thought it would be perfect.  My copy arrived yesterday.

And for this important photo opp, Rosco even got some couch time ;)

It really is a sweet story and illustrates, Mogie, a natural therapy dog, doing what he does best with several children who needed uplifting.  Although Mogie's breed is not mentioned in the book, it is based on a real Mogie who happens to be an Australian labradoodle and really works for a Ronald McDonald House. 

A link to the book's trailer:

Now for all of you with children or grandchildren...we will be giving away ONE copy to a lucky DK Member!  All you have to do is respond below with your favorite kid-doodle story.  Have you witnessed a touching moment between your doodle and a child?  Funny stories, heart-warming stories, silly stories...all are welcome!  Your response with a story will be considered your entry.  Only one response per person will count.  Only US addresses qualify.

I'll give this contest till Sunday at midnight, Pacific Time.

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The upper left photo says it all.  Molly is a buddy to each of my three boys.  I love that she waits and watches for them to get off the school bus!

My friend volunteers at Ronald McDonald House, here in Houston, through Thirty-One.  She says Mogie is just as sweet as he looks =)  We would love the Mogie book under the tree.

The photo on the upper right is one of my all time favorites!  What a cute pair!

Peter & Snickers are (usually) good buds.  Except when Peter gets jealous of Snickers getting attention that Pete feels he should be!  That's ok with Snicky - he loves Peter anyway & he generally sleeps under Pete's bed.  This is one of my favorite pics of the boys together....


So cute together!

I can't win-  as I am Canadian but I have Just purchased this book - through the DK Amazon link-.

I have to share my Story.

My Beautiful 3 year old Niece- Jessica was diagnosed with ALL - A form of Leukemia this Spring. They live a couple hours away from the Children's Hospital so for many treatments Jessica and my Sister have  spent a lot of time at my house- as we live close.(they don't live with a dog and we don't have children) The Bond that has formed between Chester and Jessica is so amazing. He knows when she is upset or sick. He will curl up on the bed next to her when she is crying. There are mornings she doesn't speak - as she is moody with some of the steroids. She will speak to Chester. Chester plays so much more gentler with her. I believe he knows that she is sick.- He won't tug very hard with her.

I think he is helping her with the homesickness of missing her brother and father. We spend a lot of time in the kitchen making him treats. She is in remission and doing well.

I also think the Ronald MacDonald house is an incredible resource, There are 2 Therapy dogs that visit the Chemo ward at the Children's Hospital - Jessica loves seeing them and looks forward to their visits.

Here are a couple of photos of Jessica reading to Chester (She loves books). She has an NG tube as her appetite is suppressed.

Thanks so much for posting this book- I can't wait to give it to her. This is why I have not been a very Active DK member lately.



What a beautiful story - I am in tears - there is no way that a three year old should have to go through all of that, especially without her whole family!  Chester is my hero!!!!  Hugs to Jessica!  She is in my thoughts and prayers!

Oh goodness that is precious.  So sweet!



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