Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Cooper is a 14 week old goldendoodle F1b. He is excellent when it comes to pooping -no more accidents in the house! Peeing, on the other hand, is not going so well. He sleeps about 8 hours at night without peeing, so that's great. The problem is during the day. He'll have long periods of time when he is resting and calm and doesn't pee in the house. As soon as he wakes up, we take him out for a while and he pees, sometimes 2 or 3 times. But then he comes in the house and pees 4 or 5 times. Little puddles are all over. By the time I clean up one puddle and try to take him out, he's peed a few more times. It seems to happen more often when he's excited and running around playing with the other dogs, or after he's just had water. I realize that after he drinks he needs to go out, so I always take him and he goes as soon as he gets on the grass. We always praise him for peeing and pooping outside. But then he comes in and pees all over the house. If I catch him in the act I yell NO and take him out. Should I be limiting the amount of water he drinks? I don't leave it out all the time. He mostly drinks with food and after a walk. Please help....I'm running out of paper towels and patience! Thanks!!

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I would suggest training him with a bell. Ring a bell next to the door you take him out of and say, "Let's go potty (or whatever word you use that's equivalent to potty)." These guys are super smart and eventually he will start ringing the bell to go out when he needs to. Also, keep in mind they cannot control their bladders very well at this age. I went through the same type of deal with my Orwell who is now 5.5 months old, but he picked up on the bell right away. I know some dogs don't pick up on it right away, so be patient. 

Also, if you don't have a deodorizer to spray on the spot he pees, I'd suggest getting one because dogs tend to like to go in the same spot or spot near where they went. You don't want him to smell himself in the house.  

Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try!
Piggy backing on the house training question about bell training: do you phase the bell out once they get older? I've heard different things about it. Someone told me that they start to use that as a way to go outside to play.

Take him out every 30-45 minutes to start. After he eats, after he wakes up. At 14 weeks, he sounds pretty normal. When you are out with him ( and he should still be leashed at this point), make sure he is emptying his bladder...this will mean staying out longer with him.
Make sure you are using an enzyme cleaner to clean all accidents.
Traing with potty bells, as already mentioned, is a great way to have him let you know when he needs out. Although, at this age, he can not be expected to alert you each time. Enzo picked up on the bells in a matter of days, but was not dependable on them until 5 months or so.
Thanks for the advice!!

Also, pup should not have free run of the house but be in a limited area so you can watch him closely for signs that he is going to go potty.

He is confined to one room for most of the day. I think our best bet is to take him out every 30 to 45 minutes. We started that today and he has had no accidents since.

I really think that will solve the problem as well as giving him a chance for multiple pees per outing.

My Oliver was like Cooper, I was always calling him the pee-pee dog !!!  I would pick up the water about 8 pm at night and the last time I would take him out was about 10 pm.  In the morning before work I would pick up the water about a hour before I went to work.  I also crate trained my dogs and they never had any accidents in the crate.  I would come home on lunch and they would be outside for an hour.  You need to try different things and figure out what works for your situation.  I would also take Oliver out like every half hour and finally he go it ... it was like the light bulb went on one day and he was like ohhhhhhhhhh I get it now and he was great.  Good luck!

I think it's already working, just taking him out more often. He never goes in his crate, so I think that's why I thought he could go longer during the day when we're home, but I guess being in the crate is a different story. It helps just to know that he's "normal"!  Thanks for your advice!

It's amazing how much stress is relieved once a puppy is fully potty trained. Having an adult dog causes you to take these things for granted. But as soon as you get a puppy, you realize that you cannot relax even in your own home anymore because you have to teach them at least this one thing.

Potty training is like having a cold for me. Once it is done, you can breathe again. Luckily, it doesn't last long.  



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