Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Apologies in advance if this runs long. It's my first ever discussion in the 1 1/2 years I've been on DK. LOL!

We are thinking about adding a second doodle to our family, possibly in the beginning of 2016. I've been researching a lot of breeders in the nearby states as well as our state. Our first choice breeder has a top notch reputation within my community. Her litters are always sold months before they are even conceived. She does OFA and CERF medical testing on both parents of each litter as well as clearances for Von Willebrands disease. She provides proof of these results. She only breeds goldendoodles, has a two year health guarantee with monetary reimbursement (without asking for the return of the dog), and guarantees rehoming should something happen. Basically she meets everything on Adina's "What To Look For In A Breeder" checklist. :-)

So, what's my problem? She mainly breeds multigen goldendoodles. Our Beowoof is an F1b. We chose that "version" of goldendoodle because of the curly poodle coat and likelihood of less shedding. He's been fantastic on both of these. While I know you can never guarantee that your pup won't shed, we did try to boost our chances with the F1b.

I don't know anything about multigen goldendoodles. I know this is common practice with labradoodles but I've not seen as much on here in regards to GDs. Does anyone have experience or knowledge of what to expect in regards to temperament and coat? The pairing she has planned for early 2016 is an F1b chocolate female with an F3 cream male. I'm not even sure what "F" you would call the resulting pups. :-)


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It's AMAZING and is super helpful when choosing which dogs to pair for a litter.  However, it doesn't tell us if pups will be wavy/curly/wool/fleece/shedding/non-shedding.  It only tells us if the parents can produce open face/very flat coats.  It's a great tool for sure but there are still many other factors. :)  I can only imagine the technology we will have in 10 years!!

Fascinating April, thanks.

Wow! Thank you, April! I didn't know this could actually be tested. I saw some open faced pups in photos of her previous litters. If she doesn't do this type of testing, would you be able to guess about facial furnishings at the 6 week mark? This is when they do the "choosing".

Are the multigen personalities similar to those produced in the F1's and F1b's?

I'm sure she is on top of IC info.  It's discussed frequently among breeders.  I can tell furnishings on my own pups by 6 weeks, but it's harder to know from pictures. Your breeder will know her litter though.  :)

I haven't noticed any personality difference in multigens.  Assuming both parents have great personalities and pups are well socialized, you will get a great pup. :)



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