Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My Willow is the same way with my boyfriend's discs (he uses them to play disc golf). She is obsessed with them, nothing else in the world matters if she has a disc. She carries it around with her, she sleeps with it, goes potty with it, and she won't play with any other toy if a disc is around. I put it on top of the refrigerator the other day and she just stood at the frig just staring up at it. If she leaves it outside and we go somewhere, the first thing she does when we get back is go outside and get that is a crazy obsession. She is seriously nuts and I too have yet to find out how to turn playtime off...haha.
Charlie Brown is similar to Oliver - his favorite ball is the medium Kong squeaky ball and when he gets a new one, he will be obsessed with it for several weeks. At night when it is time to go to bed he will bring it to bed with him (he sleeps with us). He does not squeak it, but goes to sleep with it in his mouth. He seldom moves around at night and in the a.m., it is lying right next to his nose! As a puppy, Charlie was so easy to train and I think it was because he could concentrate on me and what I was saying at a very young age. He remembers where he puts things and given a command to "find it" - he will not stop looking until he finds what he is supposed to and brings it back to you. We have always played the "find it game" from the time he was 4 mos old. Beau (his half brother) does not have much an attention span - he does not obsess over any toy instead lurks around waiting for Charlie to drop his ball and then Beau will be the first one there to snatch the ball and take off running for a game of keep away! Interesting dynamics!
Yes - those medium sized Kong balls are Oliver's favorite too! For some reason the pink/orange one is always his go-to!
Your story made me smile- it reminds me of a poodle that my parents used to have years ago. Teddy was sooo obsessed with his little stuffed frog toy named Kermit. Their vacation was almost ruined one time when they accidently left Kermit behind in a hotel room. Horror of horrors- no other stuffed toy could replace Kermit! They had to have the old thing shipped overnight..... :-)
We often say that a ball is like a pacifier for Polly, if she gets even the least bit excited she has to run right away to find one and put it in her mouth, she runs around like that most of the day. If we tire of playing with her she takes it to her coolaroo bed and plays by herself, then she puts it in the creases of the chair and pounces until it falls through and comes to get someone to lift the chair so she can have it back. She will also fixate on one ball at a time, I don't even want to admit to how many are laying around my house...
Polly is adorable! These doodles sure are silly creatures!
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