Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My doodle licks his ankles when resting, making his skin very red. . This stops the fur from growing. It almost looks like his ankles have been shaved. The vet and groomer say it is a nervous habit, like nail biting. There is no medical issue. Any ideas on how to stop this bad behavior? Thanks

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Are you absolutely sure there are no issues? Allergy testing, skin scraping etc... I know my Riley bites his nails when he is waiting for me to come to bed and that is a bad habit. This seems quite extreme and I would want to be sure there is no medical issues. In the meantime have you tried giving an antihistamine? Hot spots can come quickly and are horrible so I hope you get to the bottom of this very soon. I am sure there will be others here who will have some more ideas on this subject too.

If it were the paws, I would say "absolutely allergies", but not just the ankles. 

I ask our vet every time and he insists it is just a nervous habit. He is a very hyper boy. Thank you!

That is exactly when Gideon does the most licking, when he is waiting for me to come to bed! Those silly doodles!

It was suggested to me to spray Listerine on the  specific spot on the legs (which could be termed ankles) that my Springer nervously licked.  It has worked but I think more as an aversive because it has a strong smell.  However, if you can stop what was diagnosed as a bad habit when they are young, it would be worth it to me.

Thanks, I will definitely try this!

Lick spots. One of my Go,dens use to this. Along the same lines that Nancy suggested, our Vet told us to dot the surrounding areas with. Absorbine Jr. Do NOT get it on the sore itself, as it will burn, but the smell will keep him from continuing to lick the spot and give it a chance to heal.



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