Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What is the most important training to focus on when I bring home my puppy

Hi everyone, I am picking up my F1b puppy on Jan 31st from Riverdoodles in Brea, Ca. It's going to be a 6 hour drive back home for us so I know potty training will have to start immediately by potty breaks happening on grass only but I wanted to know what else I should focus on once we bring him home. Any tips or advice on early training would be much appreciated :)
Also, has anyone else brought home a puppy from Riverdoodles?

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Consistency is key. Be consistent in everything you do and say!! Timing is key and try to get your pup on a schedule. I know it is hard to do sometimes, but the best thing for Olive when she was training was to take her out every 40 minutes when I was home. I didn't let her play outside or go for a walk until she did her business first. A lot of praise and treats are needed but make sure you only praise and give treats at the right time. I also trained her with a bell. The other thing I would focus on quickly is getting them acclimated to wherever they will be when you leave the house, whether it is a crate or small room or pen. Hope this helps. You are about to start such an amazing journey with your new puppy and the love you are about to feel is indescribable!!!

Thank you :)

I like clicker training for very young puppies. Kikopup videos on YouTube were hugely helpful to me. Your first task is to get the puppy to listen to you. Potty training is one thing and it really is Out Every 30 Mins it is really hard in the first couple of weeks but the less accidents the quicker it will be. Good luck. It is such a wonderful, exciting and challenging time for you.

I'm definitely going to look into that. Thank you :)
I agree with everything that's been said here--and also remember that patience is your absolute best tool for those first few weeks. Patience with your new pup and also patience with yourself. There will be setbacks, challenges, frustrations, and of course things will get peed on, chewed up, and wrecked. And mostly you won't care because you will love your new puppy so much. But it's still good to remember that puppyhood is a temporary stage. Good luck, take tons of pictures, and check in here often--there is so much good advice about training, food, and everything else you could think of. Congratulations on your new best friend and family member!
Thank you Becca! I've been told I'm ridiculously patient and calm so I'm hoping it will finally come in handy when I'm training our puppy ;)

Hi Sim, Congrats. Potty training is what drives most people crazy. Suggest you get out for a potty break every 2 hours on drive home. When they go, give command "Do potty" "Do Poopy"  .  Do not Go. Go sounds too much like No.  Then you might want my book on my crowdfunding site:  Easy, Lazy. Quick Potty Training for Busy Puppy Parents. You may also want pumice bones which puppies usually prefer to your shoes & clean their teeth without brushing or vet scaling. Puppy love from Inventing Joy & Furry Folk

Perfect! I will definitely look into it. Thanks!

My personal list for what REALLY matters until puppy hits about 5-6 months:

1. Potty training
2.  Accepting confinement (both on leash and in crate and behind gates)
3.  Accepting body handling, brushing, nail clipping, ear touching
4.  Socialization to as much as is safe (sights, sounds, people, kids, places).  Socialization simply means pleasant exposure, NOT that the pup has to PLAY with every one of those things.
5.  Keeping 4 feet on the floor for greetings (i.e. NOT jumping on people)
6.  Keeping mouth/teeth off humans

7.  Accepting separation.

Those 7 things are TONS of work in and of themselves.  I, personally, think teaching 'sit' and 'stay' and 'down' and all the rest are overkill and don't matter before about 6 months because it all goes down the drain UNLESS the training from 6 months on is consistent and good, anyway.  The smartest, quickest learner will roll their eyes and ignore you around the 6 month mark and you'll be working just as hard anyway.  Might as well enjoy puppyhood by teaching good habits and avoiding bad ones :-)

Thank you so much! This seems like the perfect list of things to work on :)
Sim, Adina's list is "spot on." Just remember that puppy training is a lot of work. I thought that it was fun and enjoyed working with my girl. If you put in the time and are patient, the rewards are huge.
Definitely, I am home mostly everyday except for short makeup appointments and plan on dedicating all my time into making sure our little guy is raised well. I'm beyond excited to bring him home!



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