Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I haven't been around too much, I've had a lot going on in my life. I started back to school in January and it's the first time Max has ever been alone. I actually think he's adjusting just fine but I am having trouble with it. I have been walking him in the morning before I go to school (1.5 miles) then again at lunch (1.5 miles again) so he's getting lots of exercise and he has free run of the house. I was thinking of doing face time with him though on my ipad, apparently it's not too hard to set up. I am just wondering if anyone else has tried this at all? I also added a few pics, cause I know everyone loves pics. One of Christmas, and one of his recent grooming.
F he normally isn't too interested in the tv at all, and I have been reading about it and some dogs have eaten the ipad pretty much lol but there is actually a new product coming out on the market (can't afford it but it looks cool) which is what gave me the idea. I just thought it might be good if he was getting lonely during the time I'm gone?
He probably just sleeps while you are gone.
Love the pictures of Max. He is handsome.
Our dogs sleep during the day while we are gone. We find warm sports on the couch/bed when we come home.
What a handsome guy you are Max. My girls try to nudge my tablet any time it is on my lap and they want attention, if a video with sound is on they won't leave it alone, I would be asking for trouble if I talked to them through it. I saw a story about the teen girl that came up with the treat dispenser in your link...what a smartie.
He probably does sleep Gail, and it's probably me just being over worried.
F, I don't know either, maybe it's just me being curious about what he actually does lol.
Thank you Emily, I sure do think he's handsome!
Judy your girls sound really cute, I know what a smart young girl this is! Too bad the thing is around $300.
If Finn hear's a dog or kids on the computer, I'm all that stands between the computer and big furry paws on the keyboard, so I think I'd confuse him if I face timed him.
Finn curls up in my chair (forget the dog bed) and mostly sleeps when I'm away at work. If I take him to work, he curls up under my desk and does the same thing unless there's someone to greet:)
Max is adorable and I'm sure he loves his walks.
HM I don't know then if he's just sleeping it could actually disturb him if I do it?
Thanks Cheryl, he does love his walks, he pouts if I try to skip any lol.
Max is a doll. I think Max is probably doing just fine without facetime. Max is probably very happy to have the house to himself so he can sleep the day away and rest up for the nightly walk. I have read where dogs do not really have a concept of time - so whether you are gone a half hr or several hours, they are still so excited to see you come through the door. Charlie is 4 and he loves to watch tv. When my daughter and I Skype, he always come over to see her on the my ipad. He listens to hear voice talking to him and he wags his tail, and some times gives her a little bark, but he loses interest quickly. He will look at the screen and then start looking around the room, like "why don't you just come on in"! That being said, Beau our 2 year old, has no interest in anything on the computer. He does show interest in some dogs on commercials but only for a quick bark and then he is done with it.
Max is adorable. I don't think face time on a computer could ever take the place of your physical presence, and while I am sure Max misses you, I would bet he is just fine while he waits for you to get back home. I don't think dogs appreciate or care about cyber relationships, but then I am old.
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