Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Shoney's recent blog post about how smitten she is with her new pup Ruby and calling herself a 'dog lady' made me wonder... When did you first become or consider yourself a 'dog person'?   Was there a defining moment? 

I for one was NOT a dog person until I met my husband.  He had a border collie that was perfect in every way.  One day he left her with me for a day or weekend or something while he was out of town.  The whole idea of a dog INSIDE my house was still a little nerve wracking, but by then I had chilled out a wee bit.  One day while dog sitting Cass, I came home from work and realized it was so nice to have a living creature home to greet me.  I took her for a drive to a pet store just for fun.  I think that was the start.  Then I got Rosco...

Later our first Christmas card as a family...

Share your 'becoming a dog person' story!

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What a wonderful explanation, Wendy.   I know what made me unsure of strange dogs and it is not anywhere close to your experiences. I am very proud of you for overcoming your total distrust and fear to have special dogs of your own.  Strange dogs - who needs 'em!  I have an adult rescue doodle and was a bit cautious until I learned that he was a big sugar baby.

Thanks Nancy! and you're right - 'strange dogs - who needs 'em!" I'm so glad that your rescue turned out awesome!!! :)

Wow Wendy,  I'm impressed that you overcame a pretty big trauma to be a dog person.  You write so lovingly of Kara, Zak, and Myla, "dog person" must be written in your heart  Does being a dog person mean you have to like every single dog you meet?  Or not be afraid of an unpredictable grown dog?  I don't think so.

I like that "written in my heart" - thank you!

Wow Wendy, that is quite a story. One with a wonderful ending, for your family to be part of and for lucky Myla!
Zak and Kara were lucky too! I am glad you didn't give up though. So even though there was some trauma, it shows that you definitely are a dog person!

I hope so!  I really love my dogs!!!!

This is when I became a "dog" person/child!  She was a Christmas present and I named her Jingles.  She was the most wonderful gift I had ever received.  This picture was taken in 1950 and I was five years old and she and I were best pals. I have had three other dogs, all wonderful, beautiful, loving and grew up with our children, but I will say and I hope this does not sound bad, but when we got Libby I found a new love for dogs that I did not know existed.  She is my heart and soul and a love I can hardly put into words.

I can not remember ever NOT loving dogs, or any animal for that matter.
My first dog was a little Beagle mix, puppy. A stray, or drop off, that was running through my neighborhood. I was about 6 at the time. I coaxed the puppy to come home with me, and pleaded with my parents to keep her. My dad and I drove all around the area, knocking on doors to make sure she wasn't someone else's lost puppy. Every time he approached the next house, I prayed like no kid ever prayed, that they would say no, and lucky for me they did! We had Trixie for 13 happy years.
Then came Heidi. A very spunky Mini Schnauzer. We had her at the time when people still let their dogs run loose, in small town areas. Many purebred dogs from around our town seemed to find their way to our house to visit Heidi. Yes she was spayed! Heidi loved the visitors. There was a huge furry black Newfie, named Bear. He would come when the snow got high enough for him to walk over the fenced in yard where he lived. We let him in, and called his parents! There was Simba, the American Eskimo dog, Tikah, the Akita, Bandit the Husky, and a mutt named Boss. Everyone of them was invited inside to play with Heidi and have treats. Heidi's best friend was Skipper the neighbors dog. He would come over and spend the weekends with us. He was a Dachshund and we loved him like he was ours.
So I guess love of dogs is totally in my bones, and I couldn't be happier!!

What a great story Sheila and you definitely have a a great mix of dogs to love and care for.  Some for a long time and some for visits.  How fun for you and your family.  Dogs are just special members of a family

Thanks Lonnie, I feel bad that I didn't mention my Beasley. She was the epitome of perfect. She was a rescue, and she looked like an Irish Wolfhound, but was just a mix.For such a big dog, she was with me for 13 years. I adore Finnley, but still miss my Beasley!

Don't feel bad, she knows how much you loved her.  Love her name too!

 Thanks Lonnie



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