Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I like to take Max to the different pet stores around town, we usually walk and it's always a good time for him and I. I took him today to the local petvalu which was having a charity event for a local rescue group. I was waiting to have his picture done and he stole a treat! It was only a 45c cookie (and I did pay for it) but he's never done that before, he's sniffed but not taken. My little jailbird doodle. As we were standing in line to pay for the stolen cookie he kept trying to shake paws with the guy behind me who had bully sticks in his hand. What a ham he is. Has your doodle ever stolen from the pet store?

(Also adding the picture we had done.)

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I didn't know Julie. Will have to look for this group.

I think we are lucky here that way Lyndy, we have two lovely women who do a lot of charity work, and are photographers. The one is heavily involved with a local rescue group and fosters dogs, and they both do awesome work. 

Yep!  I find treats, and bones all the time.  I don't know why they keep them in those low bins.

Which group BG? The DOGS one?

Carole I guess they must know it's going to happen?

His picture looks so innocent! It never ceases to amaze me how smart doodles can be! They really know how to use their cuteness and personalities to the fullest!

At around 10 months old, Luna stole an ELK ANTLER (it was on the bottom shelf) - I was talking to someone and she picked it out of the bin and started chewing it in like a split second.  I assumed "you chew it you bought it" so I had to get it for her.  It was $30!!!

Christy he's anything but innocent! I agree that they sure do seem to know how to "play the crowd" wherever they are.

April that's always been my biggest fear that he steal something expensive! I think I would have probably put it back though lol. 

My mother in law is freaked out about dogs in the house. Riley has so won her over, she comes to our house just to see Riley and dotes on her. We're pretty sure she would even let her in HER house. Doodles definitely know how to win people over.

Christy my mom is the same way and Max is allowed in her pet free house lol.

My boys would like to think it is a free buffet when the goodies are at nose level! 

The picture of Max is fantastic, no one could convict face like that!   

Cathy it really must seem like a free buffet. 

The innocent look is deceiving!


I hope you add a tag to this photo and submit it for the Valentine's Day Slideshow for tonight!!!

The tag is vday15

I just looked and dont see it in there.



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