Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey everyone!  You can now enter here:

Sorry to send you on a URL chase, but I can't embed a giveaway widget in the forum for some reason.  So you are going to a page that only logged in members can see.  Have fun!  Ask questions if you get lost.  This is your chance to get to know our site better as you enter for some awesome goodies for your doodle.


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Thanks for the contest Adina! 

Max doesn't really deserve to win because he is a cookie thief, but he would love the chance to win anyhow. :)

Hi Julie, can you reply on the contest page, pretty please?  So much harder to go between the two..  Thanks! a great contest :))

I know all the doodles on this site are special, but I believe Bentley deserves to win because he is everything and more than I ever dreamed he would be....loving, sweet, smart, and handsome. He wants to win because he just loves earning treats!

Debbie--can you please respond on the contest page?  It is at the link in the announcement above.  Thank you!

Thanks for the chance to win. Bella loves treats and would love to try some new ones.

Henly's package came today!!  There are so many awesome treats for him to try.  What a great way for him to try different treats!!  I don't know if I would've discovered these brands on my own.

Thanks again Adina!  

JD says Yum! 

Oh goody!  I'm so happy they made it safe and sound!

Sorry to be the "dummy", but how were the winners announced? I don't have a Facebook page so I get worried that I'm missing everything announced via social media. Lol.

Hi Sara, winners were announced by an email to all members and on FB.  You shouldn't ever miss an announcement by virtue of not being on FB as long as you get our emails.  And anyone who wins will get a personal email to respond to as well.

Oh I believe the winners are also listed on the Giveaway the Rafflecopter widget.



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