Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hey everyone! You can now enter here:
Sorry to send you on a URL chase, but I can't embed a giveaway widget in the forum for some reason. So you are going to a page that only logged in members can see. Have fun! Ask questions if you get lost. This is your chance to get to know our site better as you enter for some awesome goodies for your doodle.
Thanks for the contest Adina!
Max doesn't really deserve to win because he is a cookie thief, but he would love the chance to win anyhow. :)
Hi Julie, can you reply on the contest page, pretty please? So much harder to go between the two.. Thanks! a great contest :))
Debbie--can you please respond on the contest page? It is at the link in the announcement above. Thank you!
JD says Yum!
Oh goody! I'm so happy they made it safe and sound!
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