Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Bailey is terrified my family and I can't understand why. He shivers so much and he's really restless and panicked.
We think it might be something with our house, because he is so desperate to get out of here. But on the other hand he's lived here with us for years, why would he suddenly get so scared of being here? We can't think of any things we've installed in the house recently. We've been trying to hear any possible noises around the house, but we can't hear anything out of the ordinary. Also we tried to shut all electricity off, but he was still so scared. My dad has taken him to grandma's now, because apparently he feels safer there. And no, no one's been cruel to him.
These are times you really wish he could speak so he could tell us what's bothering him.

Please help, we're so worried about him!

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I  think that I would video his behavior and take him to the vet.

I'm thinking the same thing.  This clearly isn't normal behavior and it would worry me.

I does worry my family and I. We've been thinking about going to the vet, but I don't think he's ill or anything because if that was the case he wouldn't get better by just going somewhere else. I think it's something about the house that bothers him, we just have to find out what. But if it carries on I think we might visit the vet anyway.

Have you gotten anything new recently that emits a scent or smell such as plug in air fresheners or new carpet, new cleaning products,  paint, perfume, any renovating to the inside of the house?  It doesn't have to be a strong smell. Not all animals or people are sensitive to such things but others can be very sensitive and as animals age their sensitivity can increase. According to canine epilepsy web sites some of these items can trigger seizures in epileptic animals so they can have a powerful effect if one is sensitive. I'm not implying that he has epilepsy I'm just using it as an example of how chemicals can effect animals.  I'm so sorry he and your family are going through this, it must be very frustrating and I hope you find your answer soon.

We haven't made any changes to the house recently. But maybe the house has made a change all by itself, like maybe weather or something could have done something with the pipes, I don't know. I think it's very likely that there's something similar that could have made him so uncomfortable, but I just have to find out exactly what. Thank you
Could you get a canine behaviourist to come out to the house?
That's a very good idea. Only trouble is that we live far out in the countryside and it might be hard to find one. But we will surely consider it.

I agree that video taping him and taking him to the vet would be a good thing to do.  Strange that it's sudden.  My last dog became very sensitive to frequencies from invisible fence.   Sometimes he would become terrified and freak out when we were walking in town.  He would fight, cry and pull against the leash.  Once he threw himself into the street.  I finally realized the traffic lights must emit a frequency like the fence, and he didn't want to get near them.  Needless to say the fence was removed. I'm sorry you're going through this and hope you find an answer.  Poor Bailey.

Yes, it's very frustrating to know that the thing that's freaking him out could be something we can't perceive. Like high frequency noises, strange smells and things like that. Thanks for trying to help.

Carbon monoxide? It's just a thought. But maybe if the carbon monoxide level in your home is only slightly elevated it is making Bailey uncomfortable without making you and your family ill?

We haven't thought of that possibility, maybe we should let in some fresh air in our house and see if it makes a difference. But I don't know where the gas would come from. Anyway we might actually try that, thank you.
A carbon monoxide detector is vital. The gas can come from a defective boiler/heater, a blocked flue etc. every winter we hear of deaths from CO.



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