Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Some time back I posted this video of Polly Wollly Doodle making her Coolaroo bed and interactive toy, she will entertain herself for hours if we quit tossing the balls for her.  She is ball obsessed and the minute something rolls it becomes hers.

We recently bought the Waggle balls they show on television (well worth the cost) and not Polly has changed the way she plays with her can see how she hoards the balls as well.  She does this same pounce and play with balls in the yard.  Meg wants you to throw them so she can catch and bring them back, once Polly gets them she entertains herself.

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Hoka loves that obnoxious ball!  I agree it is worth every penny.  He is a toy destroyer in a dangerous way, and he waggle ball is unmarked a month later.  It's kind of insane. $15 best spent.

He too will toss himself the ball or toss it down the stairs and run up the stairs.  

Very cute-I love the way she pounces!

The Samoyed that I had years ago used to pounce like that- Winnie, not so much. The nurse in me used to say that if I ever had a heart attack and was alone with my dog, she could do chest compressions! Lol 

Polly is quite the problem solver!  Watching her would entertain me for hours :)

Oh, she's hilarious!!  Tara is like Meg and believes balls are for retrieving only!

What a cutie. She sure knows how to entertain herself.



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