Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Enzo attended her first clinic today. I am proud to say she is just another " pretty face" ! ;)
Her first run through the course, the Owner of the Company putting on the Clinic, described to us, to a tee, what she would do, especially after her first meeting with the first live Rattler. She met up with 5 Rattlers and a bag full of " sheds". She was shocked at the first meeting, avoided the 2nd two Rattlers, but did approach the bag. Owner told me, that was completely normal...and she did receive another shock. She than avoided another snake and was brought back to me. We waited while 2 or 3 others dogs went through the course and then it was her turn again. This was a huge field and she was walked all over on a 8 ft lead. As the trainer approached the first 3 snakes with her, she gave them all wide berth. She wanted nothing to do with them. Next came the bag of sheds, and that too she avoided. The first few snakes were rattling up a storm, as we could hear them from where we stood. 2nd to the last snake had his rattles taped, so no sound. This one too, she circled all the way around. Her last test...she was put into a sit stay in the center top of a section with high borders on either side. They put me on the other end and put a HUGE Rattler in the center and told me to call her. LOL...She wouldn't budge'. He then moved the snake closer to her and told me to call her. She backed up, and ran all the way around the barrier to me. SUCCESS!
Many of the dogs that were there were there for the refresher course. One Shepherd was either very stubborn or dumber than a bag of rocks, because he was shocked each and every time, even the second run. He was going out for a third run when we were leaving. Other dogs, obviously remembered their training and sailed through the course.

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So Annabelle and I were visiting my daughter and grandkids this morning. I took Annabelle out to do her business in their front yard. While out there and before she could potty, she stepped on a snake. It raised it's head and I screamed and took off running, I was dragging Annabelle, as she wanted to investigate this strange creature further. Not sure what kind of snake it was, but I am scared of all snakes so didn't stick around to find out. I was way too scared to stay out there so she could go. I know we have the small rattlers here in Michigan, so who knows what it was. Maybe a rattlesnake avoidance class would be a good thing. I am afraid I would have a heart attack though. daughter is a pure animal lover...both furry and scaley.  Growing up, she brought home all types of animals and had all kinds of snakes and a tarantula.  Guess I've grown thick skin! ;)

Good for Enzo!

This whole story creeps me snakes and alligators are my biggest fear for Jack! We have a lot of gators where my mom lives and I have snakes here. Nicky I am moving to Ireland. no snakes? I didn't know that



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