Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

For the last two weeks, Henly has had intermittent diarrhea (overnight only and every 90 minutes - 2 hours = fun times!)

I attributed this to transitioning her to a new food.  But upon returning to her original food, the diarrhea came back.

Because of what I've learned on this website, I requested another fecal test at the vets.  After running the tests, they told me everything was negative.  I said "for giardia too?" and they said "we don't test for giardia because we have to send the stool sample out and it's too expensive".  Seriously, that's what they said!!!!

This morning I took Henly (and another stool sample) to a new vet.  They will be calling me tomorrow with her results (including giardia).  In the meantime, they prescribed Panacur and Metronidazole and are treating her for worms/giardia.  

Today is day 2 of her chicken & rice diet.  She's supposed to be on the meds for 5 days.  Obviously, I'll know more tomorrow but I just wanted everyone to be aware that just because the vet requests a stool sample and you may request a wellness check for your new puppy, they may not be checking for giardia.

I had no idea I had to request it!

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Metro can be really hard on a dog's digestive system so until you know what they are treating for I would probably stick with the Panacur and hold off on the Metro. Panacur does work for Giardia.

Just a question and another possibility. Where does your puppy sleep at night? It is odd that the loose stool only happens at night. Does you puppy sleep near you, if not she may be stressed and stress can result in loose stools.


She sleeps in her crate just outside our bedroom door.  She goes to sleep whining or anything.  When she wakes in the middle of the night to go out, she walks right back to her crate and lays back down.  I see no stress in her behavior but I do find it puzzling that the diarrhea is only at night.

I should mention that lately she's had no bowel movement during the day.  Her first poop is usually after 6pm.  When the diarrhea was going on, after that first solid poop it just got progressively mushier, soupier, etc.

So far today, no bowel movement.  And I've played fetch with her hoping that running around might get things moving inside her.

Solid poop today at 11:30am!!

Yeah!  I hope the test comes back negative for Giardia. Keep us posted.

I don't know what kind of vet doesn't do in-house testing for giardia, but I'm glad you found a new one, lol. 

I would not ever give metronidazole without a good reason, and even a positive Giardia test doesn't warrant it. Panacur is more effective and much, much safer. If you are giving the metronidazole, be sure to give a good probiotic, or the diarrhea will come raging back as soon as the meds are discontinued. It destroys all the good gut bacteria necessary for proper stool formation, and without probiotics, you can end up with diarrhea from a bacterial imbalance.  I would order a bottle of Proviable DC capsules today, and in the meantime, give her a couple of tablespoons of plain unflavored nonfat yogurt 2 or 3 times a day. Be sure to give the probiotics/yogurt at least 2 hours apart from the meds, and longer is better. Continue the probiotics for a couple of weeks after the meds are finished. I'm worried about the metronidazole.  

I'll probably give her her second dose tonight and then hear what the vet has to say tomorrow and question her again on the need to give metronidazole.  

You can try that, but in my experience, it won't help. Some vets love metronidazole and prescribe it for every case of diarrhea regardless of cause. But nobody knows exactly how it even works, and it has serious side effects:

Treatment of Giardia infections in dogs and cats:

  • Metronidazole (e.g., Flagyl) can be used in both dogs and cats (not in pregnant animals).
  • Albendazole (e.g., Valbazen) was recently found to be quite effective in dogs, and may be more efficacious than metronidazole in stopping the shedding of cysts. However, both metronidazole and albendazole have been associated with significant adverse reactions in dogs and cats:
    • Albendazole: leukopenia +/- anemia and thrombocytopenia; anorexia, lethargy; CNS signs; vomiting and diarrhea; salivation; elevated hepatic and pancreatic enzyme levels; abortion and teratogenicity
    • Metronidazole: vomiting; CNS signs
  • Fenbendazole (e.g., Panacur® or Drontal-Plus®) now appears to be the drug of choice. Used in dogs and cats at 50 mg/kg for 3 (-5) days, fenbendazole has been shown to be completely effective in eliminating experimental Giardia infections, and with only mild vomiting/diarrhea as potential side effects.
Strike that...only gave her one dose of the metronidazole at 12:30pm. Will hold off on that.

Just a thought . . . Maybe it's not the food, but the transitioning that's the problem. I remember our vet telling me to transition 10-pieces at a time. It takes a while that way, but the move from one food to another doesn't create an upset tummy. I would also stay away from giving Henly Metronidazole until it's clear that it's absolutely necessary. From my experience with my two dogs, it wreaks havoc on their digestive systems. 

No intestinal parasites for Henly!! YEAH!

Now looking ahead to day #4 when I start to add in some of her kibble. Laurie, I was dragging out her initial transition although it wasn't 10 pieces at a time. You can bet I'll be making a real slow transition from chicken & rice to kibble.
That's good you're headed in the right direction. Plenty of water is important, too. When Rippley has diarrhea I give him boiled chicken and mashed sweet potato instead of rice. Just another thought for ya. Sweet potato has great fiber and nutrition. Learned this from Karen, of course, lol! Hope Henly mends quickly! Best,
Thanks Cindy! We've done chicken & sweet potato too.



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