Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We normally trim our own dogs. We trimmed Lincoln 2 weeks ago and did fine. My husbnad decided yestrday to trim him shorter since it had gotten warmer. He didn;t tell me or ask for help. Well he did not use the guard, just the blade and took him down to the skin along his back. then he tried to fix it and made him worse!!! He couldn;t do his legs very well or his belly, so he is jut a HOT MESS. I called Petsmart for an appointment today to try to at least even him out, but leave his tail and head. Hubby took him this morning and they won;t do him due to razor burn in a few spots, so now we have to wait a week with a really sad looking doodle. I am so embarasssed to take him anywhere. I don;t know how long it will take for the hair to grow back. Of course Lincoln has no clue and he is just fine and cooler. My husband does at least feel bad ( as well he should!!!)
I attached a pic before trim at dog park and yesterday after the disaster. My poor baby

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OMGoodness. I don't want to LOL, but LOL. If it was my puppy, I'd be crying. He'll have his beautiful coat back, hopefully sooner than later.

Poor Lincoln - he is probably just fine with the whole thing!  Thankfully, it's just hair and will grow back.  Guess I have a very different opinion than many of this forum.  I don't mind trying new cuts and hair length to see what looks best on my guys. If I don't like it - I take a picture and the next time, tell the groomer - not like this.  I hate to admit it, but the boys seem to like looking more like a poodle!!! I wasn't crazy about that look, but Cody just seemed to preen.  They ran and ran around the yard and played more and harder than ever.  My problem with them is they HATE to be combed. It is a major fight every day to try to comb them and Casey mats terribly if we don't comb him every day when he is long.  I am just about to give up the fight and keep them very short.

We had Lincoln groomed last week and he looks much better now.  they had to shave him down , but left his tail.  they trimmed his head shorter than I would have liked, but he looks fine!   At least we don;t have much to brush and won't have to groom for awhile!  

How about a picture so we can see his new look?

Oh, I did forget to add the new pic.  here is  new Lincoln  haircut!   Much better now.  He is such a sweetheart.  

He looks sooooooo much better! It will grow out faster than can image!

He looks great! Ready for the summer :)




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