Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've wanted to do this for a loooong time.  I think perhaps next year might finally be the time to try it out. 

My town, Walla Walla, Washington is way on the other side of the country from many of you.  But it's a quaint town with culture and a bazillion excellent wineries. 

So I was might be fun to host the first annual Doodle Kisses National Doodle Romp here.  Super convenient for me, but would any of you travel for it?  After next year we can move it around to different locations.

How many of you would drive over with your doodle(s)?

How many of you would fly over doodle-less?

How many of you are thinking "No way, crazy lady!"?

If enough people are interested...I can get started planning.  I would most likely aim for May when the local wineries host their Spring Release or June when they do some other thing or another.  BUT that means it would be crowded and hotels booked long in advance.

We have the option of a dog park in College Place (the neighboring town) and there is a nice park next to it.  So we could meet at that park and then those that want to let their dogs off leash could meander over there.  The park has benches so we conceivably have a picnic or get catering. 

What sounds best to others?  Would you prefer a more out of the way park without an official dog park?  A hike/walk?  Take over downtown and visit wineries? 

2/19: UPDATE:  I was going with the tentative date of June 9/10 with the option to stay the whole weekend for those who want to, but no official plans for the weekend.  That seems to conflict with one member who REALLY wants to make it.  So now I'm looking at June 23/24.  The previous week is Spring Release weekend for local wineries and while that doesn't actually conflict with us, it might be really crowded.  Please argue with me over this if you need to.  I don't mind. 

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We would definitely be interested once the dates were set. We would drive our RV so need campground/RV park info.  One of the 'good things' about a May date is that tourist prices usually begin after Memorial Day.  One of the bad things is those people needing after school gets out dates might not be able to make May.

We have the option of a dog park in College Place (the neighboring town) and there is a nice park next to it.  So we could meet at that park and then those that want to let their dogs off leash could meander over there.  The park has benches so we conceivably have a picnic or get catering. 

What sounds best to others?  Would you prefer a more out of the way park without an official dog park?  A hike/walk?  Take over downtown and visit wineries? 

Gosh that sounds perfect. Darn it tho I live in AZ but would love to do that here in AZ.

Just an fyi - Allegiant has direct flight from AZ to Pasco, Wa = which is 45 minutes from Walla Walla

It would be a long drive for us but it wouldn't make sense to fly there without our Doodles. We would definitely consider it! Sounds like fun if a group of us could caravan from Vegas!

i love the idea and Walla is a great place, i can consider driving 12 hrs or so.. i don't know if you've already discuss this but Is Walla Walla dog friendly? restaurants? cafes? wineries? also accommodations ? i just run a quick search on airbnb and couldn't find much, don't know hotels, usually dog friendly hotels are not the best unless that you want to spend a lot of money per night. however i remember a few years ago while visiting wineries i noticed a book : Dogs of Walla Walla, all about winery dogs and pictures of them:)


I would say we are a fairly dog friendly town.  I know that the Holiday Inn Express and Best Western are pet friendly as are other low budget ones.  The nicer Marcus Whitman allows pets with a fee.  I don't know which, if any, of the bed and breakfast options allow pets, but there are also vacation rentals and I think some do.  Once I've come up with a date it will be easier to make a list of available pet-friendly places.

Thanks for your response. probably i would attend something closer, and I like Lynda's idea of

My sister resides in the San Juan islands so if it was June I would definitely consider driving up, she teaches so May would be tough to squeeze in time with her (remote island, one room school house )..... My darling doodle came from a breeder in Newport, Wa. If wineries are dog friendly, if not I like the dog park idea. Hard to mingle and hike, at least for me! You could plan a few activities over a few days? If you wanted to go out of your way Astoria is really dog friendly and there is a huge KOA next to a dog friendly beach (can accommodate RVs, tents, and camping cabins)?

We visited the KOA in Astoria once.  It was really nice.

I cannot bring my doodles from Hawaii, but I hope you get a great turnout and share lots of photos with the rest of us! 

That is a great idea but it is soo far from us.



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