Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Mikey is a 7 month old neutered standard GD. When will he start to calm. He is beyond hyper. He has had 6 weeks of board and train and knows pretty much all his commands but he is just out of control at times. I take him for a run or long walk in the morning, afternoon and then a run in the evening. At no point does he ever really settle down. He sleeps in his crate. We even have to crate him when we are at home sometimes just because he gets so out of control. I have never had a dog that was soooooo energetic. I am constantly exercising him. Our previous dogs always slept with us in bed. He cant even settle, he tries to chew the bed apart.


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I feel you pain mine is 9 month and he is always looking for something to destroy , I got him a kong bone and he likes it but since he couldn't destroy it is now just around the house. I am hoping that when hi turns one he will be a little easier to deal with. just love him

It seems like he is never calm. I feel bad. I wish I could leave him out

When you say "out of control" - what are his behaviors exactly? Does he show anxiety? You've gotten great feedback so far, but I'm just wondering if there is something more specific?
Around 14-18months is when my guy finally began to settle down. Keep going with the training, and plenty of physical and mental exercise.
Have you tried puppy play dates? That makes mine very sleepy in the house! Good luck, you must be tired ;)

We found that our 6 month old gets over stimulated from too much exercise.  Try a kong stuffed with peanut butter or another toy that you can stuff with treats.  This works them mentally and in a calm way will help wear them out.  We also try training. Lots of stay, down, and sit commands.  Try taking treats, toss them in the grass and tell the dog to "find it"  This is a great mental exercise our trainer taught us and it works great.  Good Luck

Mikey's still a puppy and I hate to tell you but it will probably get worse before it gets better.  But it will get better. Every dog is different, but about 18 months is when I began to see a some sanity. When he hit the 2 year mark, he began to settle beautifully in the house. Most of this is energy but some of it is boredom. I never had a pup that if he wasn't sleeping HAD to be doing something. Doodle pups take a lot of time or a lot of people :) Here are a few things that worked for me.  Maybe it will help you.

Puppy play dates will tire him out more than a walk or run at this age.  Or maybe doggy day care 1-2 days a week.  

Short frequent training sessions help expend energy.

Enroll him in a class if you're not already doing that.  You'll both have fun.

Interactive toys and lots of things to chew.  Chewing relieves stress and is a form of physical exercise.

Take him lots of new places which also helps to mentally tire him out.

Just when you think you are so tired you can't stand one more minute, he'll grow up. And believe me, you'll miss those puppy days.  No really, you will :)

I was having one of those "down" days and felt like you were right here talking to me even though you were responding to a post. Thanks for the comfort!

You're most welcome :) hang in there :) your little one is adorable.

I actually had to teach my Murphy the word "calm" became a command that is always rewarded with him.  I'm  conscious of trying to stay calm myself around him because he gets over stimulated so quickly and also keeping his environment as calm as possible.  If he get's in his "crazy place" I calmly grab his collar and hold him saying "calm".  When I see his body language change to a calm state I say "good boy" and we go get a cookie.  He's over five and lately things have been a little easier, but that's only because he hasn't been feeling well.  When he's having a "good day" he is still full of puppy energy.

I feel your pain :-)... My three didn't calm down until after 2 years of age. Keep giving-allowing lots of exercise and mental stimulation. And keep in mind , "and this too shall pass"! ;-)

You should check out "Doggy Dan" training website.  They are going to be having a webinair on here with him sometime soon.  He has a thing called I think it is the "Calm freeze" or something like that.  It consist of grabbing the collar in an underhand motion and just holding calmly, keeping yourself calm.  I still use it with AnnaBelle occasionally if she gets too excited on a walk and starts going after the leash.  I also think the Doggy Daycare suggestion might be a good option for him. 



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