Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Saw this article on FB and it is very near and dear to my heart. It makes me absolutely crazy to meet another dog in public that is not on a leash. There is no good that can come from it. Please read this article for a better understanding of why this is so important.
One thing that it doesn't really address in this article is that when your dogs are on leash and are approached by a dog that is not on a leash, the leashed dogs immediately realize their disadvantage.
Excellent post.
Ugh, I can't tell you how much this stuff annoys me. Three of our neighbors have dogs. One of those dogs is friendly, but two of them have come running at our puppy or snapped at him. Not to mention the crazy barking tiny chihuahua dog they have who barks his head off and acts aggressively toward our puppy even from afar. Not to even mention how they let their dogs out to run around and poop everywhere without cleaning it up! So frustrating, I can't stand it. My boyfriend actually charged toward the very large mastiff across the way when he was coming toward our puppy and the mastiff backed off immediately.
Lately, we've seen them on leash with the owner, so maybe they've learned their lesson somehow?
I've charged at dogs who were running toward JD; it takes courage, but it's surprising how they do back off right away. And what's even more surprising is that JD also backs down and doesn't get reactive. As Jane explained to me, he sees that "Mom's got this."
Yes! It is surprising! But knowing this dog, he really listens to his owners, but just didn't like our puppy, I guess. More unfamiliar dog aggression than people aggression, I suppose...
LOVE the article; hate the stupidity lingering in the comments section. It is maddening to listen to how arrogant and self-centered so many people are. First and foremost- it is the LAW. That is enough reason to do it. Even if you know nothing about dogs (which it seems many of the commentators do), that is reason enough to leash your dog.
Thank you for sharing :)
I can't even stand the comments! It's unbelievable. "My dog is trained to stay with me." Ugh...
Oh, you mean the comments on the original article! I saw this in my notifications and thought "what happened to Doodlekisses overnight?"
I thought that at first too, haha!
haha- my bad! Not the DK comments, the article comments :)
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