Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

You guys, I love her to death and I wouldn't trade her for a million dollars, but sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or cry. We have an ongoing battle where she steals my chapstick and takes it outside. She will steal socks, underwear, bras, and shoes if given the opportunity - an opportunity I work very hard at not giving her. Oh, and she's also shredded a couple rolls of toilet paper in the last couple days. But tonight takes the cake. She stole and chewed on a magic eraser. You know, the most amazing soap scum cleaner known to man? There are no ingredients listed on the package, but I'm sure it can't be a healthy snack. Most of it was still there, and she was covered in little pieces, but I couldn't be sure if she ingested any or just tore it up.

So, I called poison control and asked if I should make her vomit. Then I called the vet school and asked them what they thought. And then I called proctor and gamble. And after 10 cc's of hydrogen peroxide I'm stood outside in a thunderstorm with a flashlight digging through her vomit. It's okay to laugh, I did. I didn't find any magic eraser pieces. But I did find little bits of ball that she ate and a small chunk of bully stick and a little bit of black fabric that I think came off of one of her toys. Oh, and some partially digested dog food. 

She's going to be fine. But I admit it, I read about some of you all who are ready for your second doodle when the first is 10 months, because the first one is so good - and I'm a little jealous. Katie hasn't been my easiest dog. She's so great. But she's also exhausting. And it's not like I don't watch her. We were both in the tiniest bathroom known to man when she snuck off with it and took it to the couch. That magic eraser couldn't have been 6 inches from my knee. And I never saw her take it. She's so sneaky! 

Anyway, no worries. She seems none the worse for the wear. I think I have a couple new gray hairs, but I thought maybe someone would get a chuckle out of our drama, or at least tell me that she's going to grow up eventually! 

Stacy and Katie - who says she's not only fast, but she's silent when she's sneaky. 

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I can so relate!  Beasley lives to eat kleenex, toilet paper and paper towels.  The girl will actually go investigate the bathroom after she hears a flush, to see if the toilet paper wasn't put up on the shelf.  That's right, we can't have toilet paper on the holder here - and not even up on the back of the tank (I thought that solved the problem, until she figured out how to reach up there).  It took a long time to train myself to remember that...and I can't tell you how many rolls of TP she has eaten.  She doesn't just shred it, she binge eats as much as she can before she's caught lol.  She also took one of those eos lip balms and chewed it open, ate the balm out of it but thankfully left the plastic.  I learned to put that back in my purse!  This afternoon I caught her in the basement with a massive clump of dog hair in her mouth - she'd gotten into the waste can where I put the hair I pulled out of Eloise's brush.  She was eating that!  Little weirdo.

Eloise was a sock stealer if given the chance, but she'd just lay there with the sock next to her.  She seems to have outgrown that, or I've gotten really good about not giving her the opportunity.  She had a fixation on one wooden Christmas ornament, which she finally extracted from the tree - very carefully! - and chewed it up and ate half of it.  She generally doesn't have a stealing problem though.  Beasley, on the other hand, seems like it's her mission in life to find things to steal and/or eat.  

Oh, and Beasley is sneaky, too!  I never knew dogs could be sneaky until I actually saw her walking away trying to be quiet - and she was totally stealthy!  Now if I see her sneaking upstairs I know she's up to no good.  

Cocoa was like this too! Somewhere between the age of one and two she graduated from "consumer" to "collector". Now we see a pile of treasures nestled in her bed each day, but they are intact and undamaged (albeit a bit damp :-).

I would take collector. Especially if she would stop eating the throw pillows and the comforters. Those get expensive to replace (especially when you seem to be replacing them weekly.) Funny, she doesn't mess with the actual furniture. 

One thing you should consider- pet insurance. When Cocoa was still a "consumer" on two occasions she consumed things which put her in the pet hospital and incurred thousands of dollars in vet bills.

Our schnoodle eats everything in sight!  It's a constant battle.  No answers, but you are definitely not alone! Our labradoodle has gotten better the older she gets.  Still....

Carole, schnoodles are like that, trust me.

Terri ;)

I think it is pretty normal with puppies, but it usually gets better as they get older.  Our Harpo chewed on the walls, baseboards, and even the deck when he was a little guy.  My husband discovered that he did not like Tabasco sauce so he got large bottles of it and used a dauber to put it on the areas where the puppy chewed.  Then it is just like with a baby in the house, everything up and behind closed doors.  Toilet paper?  All kitties and puppies seem to need to try that one and it is hard to keep the doors to the bathrooms closed but that is the only thing that seems to work.  I kept a bunch of toys and chews around and every time I saw a puppy with anything I did not want chewed, I would take it and replace it with a thing that I did want chewed.  Harpo still grabs a toy whenever someone comes to the door and meets them with a toy in his mouth.  He often grabs a toy to go outside at night or when he goes to bed.  It seems there is always something in his mouth.

Stacy, I am so there with you. I've taken to calling my doodle, "Harley the Horrible." Bites everything. Tries to eat everything. Barks at everything.

Today I took him out in a massive rainstorm and he stuck his entire snout in a big puddle and blew bubbles to chomp on a stick. When I got that away from him, he started attacking the wild mushrooms that are sprouting like crazy in my backyard. I pull him away from that and he heads straight into the mulch to try that out as a snack!


My beloved schnoodle, Jeter, ate (in no particular order over the years), Nestle chocolate chips (toxic), a gift of chocolate covered Macadamia nuts (VERY toxic) AND when he figured out how to nose open my drawers....a month's worth of Armour Thyroid Pills!

I did the same thing as you--peroxide administered via turkey baster, poison control, vet etc. I even had to call my boss and explain that I was on poison watch for 24 hours and wouldn't be in work the next day!  Luckily, he was fine. On the other hand, I was a basket case. ;)

Jeter grew out of it...eventually.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that Katy and Harley will, too.


PS Harley doesn't unroll the toilet paper, he just takes the whole roll and runs off!

Katie will also take the whole roll if it's not on the holder! I'm learning to close the bathroom doors. I'm starting to see who is training whom here! 

I feel like I have to amend my previous statement. I don't think Katie really eats all that many things... she just tears them up. She may ingest some, but I think the point is more the shredding and destuffing than actual eating. 

Good luck to you and Harley! I hope that these delinquent doods shape up sooner than later! 

They all seem to love paper! My F1 LD was aweful when he was younger, we lost many cushions (I'll never have feather cushions again - they make too much mess when shredded!!), the TV clicker, many toilet rolls, my ex lost several shoes, his wallet, drivers licence and credit card, and a borrowed book! I learned faster about keeping things out of reach and closing the bathroom door! He is seven now and still occasionally grabs the kitchen paper when I am out at work. He also learned to open closet doors, so my closet by the front door (the one with the shoes in) has a child safety lock on it to stop him getting in there! He loves to parade his 'prizes' around - socks, gloves etc. Although he doesn't do that as much anymore now that he is more mature!
Aww, Katie! Grow up soon!
BTW it took Rip 5 days before he threw up a toy he once swallowed. So, your magic eraser may still be in the works...
At least she keeps you laughing and that's awesome! Best,



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