Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My replies to "replies" on my discussion are being cut off after about a line of text. When I hit edit I can see everything I typed but when I hit save only the first line shows. I am on an Android tablet.


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I've heard other folks complain about this and it has happened to me when I've been using a laptop so I don't think your tablet is the issue. I have no explanation other than those DK gremlins that like to pop up every now and then.

I don't know why it happens, but when it happens to me, all I can do is copy it from the "edit" screen and post a new reply. 

It happens to me all the time on my android tablet but never (hope I didn't jinx myself ) on my android phone. With the tablet I have the disappearing keyboard. Everything I type before the keyboard disappears shows but after does not. I have to edit to finish my reply. Very frustrating.
Sometimes I can't "reply" to a specific response. I have to "reply to this", the whole topic instead. In fact, it just happened earlier and I was using my iPhone.
Yes, me too.

Bear with me here while I try and replicate and screen capture the issue for tech support as per Adina

Iam going to tag Adina and see what she says.

esTest, t

well that didnot go well..

Testing again. Mary had a little lamb his fleece was white as snow. An everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go. He followed her to school one way which was against the rules. Test, test, test.



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