Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am a new member and will be bringing home my first DOOD puppy at the beginning of September. It has been great reading about doodles on this site and I am grateful for it. Sometimes though, I read sad and/or disheartening posts concerning illnesses and behavior problems. This leaves me nervous and wondering if I am reading too much about the negative aspects of owning a doodle. I trust my own instincts about my decision to own and love a doodle, but some discussions are unnerving. With that said, I was wondering if it would be possible to post only positive replies to this discussion. What has been one of your happiest experiences with your dog? If you groom your dog yourself, do you enjoy it, and does your dog love it too? What characteristic or personality trait about your dog do you enjoy the most about your DOOD? How has your dog enhanced your life? What do you miss about puppyhood now that you own an adult dog? What do you enjoy most about your dog now that he/she is an adult? Please describe your positive experiences! For extra fun, please post a picture of your wonderful DOOD. I thank you so much!

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First off...the joy, our almost 1 year old Goldendoodle Marshall has brought us is overwhelming-we adore him and I can't imagine life without him. Having said that, if not for the posts (maybe negative but helpful) about nipping, just to name one: I'm not sure, I would of survived the first six months. Reading others having experienced the excact same things and the ways to deal with it, gave us so much hope! And I can't not say enough about the food group- again dealing with soft stools and so on, Karen's advice and endless knowledge, helped get Marshall on the right track. And again if not for this site, I would of never learned about the coat change, line brushing and so on. I don't groom myself, but try to maintain with the advice I've received here.
I have looked up so many subjects on this site, it isn't even funny. It's amazing to be able to go to one spot and find everything you need to know.

My positive response to this post : is even the negatives are positive sometimes if they are helpful to someone.

My happiest moments with Marshall are endless, we have come a long way in the past year. He is a smart, goofy, loving, happy, silly Doodle :)

oh, how I loved your positive reply to my thoughts on the hard parts of raising a doodle.  Marshall is sweet.  The questions and concerns that owners have asked WILL be beneficial I am sure.  Thanks.  :)

Every day here is happier because of my doodles. Eloise is 3 ½, and she’s the sweetest, most gentle girl, and I’m constantly amazed by her intelligence. Beasley is 15 months, and is a cuddly, brave little spitfire, always looking for fun (or trouble, depends on the minute and your perspective). They have very different personalities but are so incredibly similar, and they are buckets of fun together.

This site has been a tremendous resource and DK is a really supportive community. I’ve learned so much, especially from the “problem” posts – the knowledge and insights people share here, you just don’t find anywhere else. While doodles are by no means perfect and there will always be outliers – by and large, I think they are wonderful companions. I can’t imagine life without them now! I love all dogs, but there’s just something about a doodle that puts a big smile on my face. :-)

My girls go to a groomer, but I do maintenance in between appts and brush them regularly. They love it…all I have to say is, “do you want your hair brushed?” then two dogs make a beeline to the basement door and run to the downstairs “grooming” table. The groomer always says both girls love their “spa days” too.

Whoa, that is a giant picture of Beasley!  lol 

Thank you Julie!  You have made me feel so happy!  I'm singing the happy song!  Beasley and Ellie sound hysterical.  I think one of the things most DOOD owners have said is that their dogs are goofy and fun.  That's one of the reasons I was attracted to them.  The vision of running to the grooming table makes me laugh.  xo

Adorbs. Julie, what are you doing that they love the grooming? I'm impressed! Rip is ok, but I'd love for him to love it like that!!

I wish I could tell you - I think it's just dumb luck, lol!  :)  Ellie has always liked it (once she got used to it...she fought it as a small puppy, but putting her up on a table made a big difference).  She must have the patience of Job, because she'll stand still for a very long time and let me brush or trim her.  I do pat and hug on her while I'm brushing, so I'm sure she likes that, too.

I think Beasley likes it just because she sees Ellie doing it - and Beasley has to be doing (or HAVE) whatever Ellie's doing.  She's more fidgety, so I'm hoping that will improve when she's more chilled out in general, haha...but she still wants to be brushed.  Luckily her coat - this version, anyway - is really easy to brush, so I don't have to spend as much time on her.  (In the picture above, she was FULL of mats, and she wasn't into having me brush them out, so that made the decision easy to clip her short for the coat change.)

Another thing I love happens when we are out with Rip - the smiles and happy faces and comments he brings on just by being his sweet, adorable self. We are frequently stopped on the street and asked for a pet, and I'm so proud that he is such a friendly boy, bringing joy to both people and other dogs. It is such a pleasure!

Love it!  Thanks.

Oh I love this reply... I should of added that too. Anytime we are out with Marshall, it's like being out with a movie star :) And the million times, I've been asked- what kind of dog is he? Haha. I've been trying to get the bandana that says "I'm a Goldendoodle, what are you?". He still is a pup and learning not to jump- he's doing so much better though.

I agree, too - this is one of the best things!  They seem to have this "doodle magnetism" haha.  It is so neat to see the joy on people's faces and get nice comments - just from them walking down the street (or in a store or wherever).

Marie - I'm cracking up because I've always said being out with Eloise is like being with a rock star.  :)  And I'm just her handler in the background, while people surround the "star" and ask to pet her (and lots of the "what is she?" questions, ha).  I seriously cannot believe the attention this dog gets, but I'm proud doodle mom. :)




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